Recent content by PatienceT

  1. PatienceT

    Kentucky people

    Hoping all the Ky Chicken Peeps are safe and sound after yesterday's storms.
  2. PatienceT

    Question about automatic doors and mature Brahma chickens.

    I figured they might need larger. I will most likely end up with hatchery Brahmas to start, but I may eventually get to find the larger stock.
  3. PatienceT

    Question of the Day - Friday, March 22nd, 2024

    I love the gradual warming. Of course, where I live, you can go from 70 degrees to 40 in 24 hours or less, but overall, I love the warmer weather.
  4. PatienceT

    What makes a coop "Fort Knox" predator proof?

    I love your set up. It is something to aspire to.
  5. PatienceT

    First Time Chicken Checklist.

    Could some of the more experienced chicken keepers create a first-time chicken checklist that contains essential items you MUST have, along with some additional options and their purposes for those of us who are just getting ready to get chickens? Possibly make it like a wiki-style list where...
  6. PatienceT

    Kentucky people

    It is all good. He is saving some stuff for me, and I get to see my best friend in a week or two so it will all be worth it. :)
  7. PatienceT

    Kentucky people

    The materials were a bust; her hubby had already gotten rid of it, but her son saved a few pieces from a run he took down, a feeder, and some other odds and ends. I plan to turn an unused tent into a brooder in our spare room. My DH and I discussed the best location for our coop, and he thinks...
  8. PatienceT

    How much hardware cloth should I get for my coop?

    This is great advice. The prices took my breath the first time I looked at them.
  9. PatienceT

    How to calculate how much hardware cloth is for my chicken run?

    So a roll of 48"x100' hardware cloth should cover my proposed run plus have some left over. I know I will need another roll to do the apron around the run and coop, but what is left over from the run itself should leave me with plenty to work with to predator-proof my coop for like the...
  10. PatienceT

    I know it's early but....Who's ready for 2024 Baby Chicks!

    Deep litter method. There are all kinds of videos about it and I am sure there are plenty of posts on here about it as well.
  11. PatienceT

    How to calculate how much hardware cloth is for my chicken run?

    Is there a formula to use to calculate how much hardware cloth to buy for my outdoor run? I plan to make an 8'x16' run at a minimum of 6' tall. I can't wrap my head around how to calculate it. I do this sometimes when I know how to do something but experience a mental block.
  12. PatienceT

    I know it's early but....Who's ready for 2024 Baby Chicks!

    That is amazing! My son and I went out the other day to look at the area where our future coop is located and discuss our ventilation options and possible relocation areas. I like where our building is now, but our neighbors may not. Their Bradford pears only stink us out when they bloom...
  13. PatienceT

    I know it's early but....Who's ready for 2024 Baby Chicks!

    When I am ready I plan to order from Mt. Healthy and make a day trip out of picking them up with my husband. Head up the night before, enjoy a dinner, then get up and go pick up my chicks. :). I want to get all my infrastructure in place before I even think about placing an order. I am a...
  14. PatienceT

    My BSFL farm got taken over by houseflies….

    Nevermind I just realized what it means.
  15. PatienceT

    My BSFL farm got taken over by houseflies….

    What does BSFL stand for?
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