Recent content by Plaid Dad

  1. P

    Soft Shell Advice

    Following up on my original post. That hen laid exclusively soft shelled eggs..right up until this week. She's about 11 months old. We didn't cull her only because she was our favorite. Very personable. We were content to keep her around just because we liked her. Much to everyone's surprise...
  2. P

    6 week old chicks dead and/or dying

    Thank you so much. Just got back from the feed store with some Corid.
  3. P

    All Hens killed by Dog

    No need for video. We witnessed it happen and the dog ran back home to the idiot owner's house with the chicken still in it's mouth. Nobody on either side is debating that it happened. I did call the sheriff and he was issued some sort of official warning. It had no effect. I gave him weeks...
  4. P

    6 week old chicks dead and/or dying

    I hatched 8 Rhode Island Reds from my own flock on 3/20 so they're about 6 weeks old. For the first 4 weeks they were isolated in my garage and fed medicated chick starters. There were no issues at all. 2 weeks ago I moved them to the chicken coop where my 3 adult RIR's live. They are the...
  5. P

    Can I get some help from someone with careless neighbours who own dogs.

    Paintball guns work really well. If the pain and paint doesn't do the trick then buy some pepper spray balls.
  6. P

    Soft Shell Advice

    We have a small flock of Rhode Island Reds. Three hens and a rooster that are a year old. One hen has laid exclusively soft shelled eggs for at least the last 3 or 4 months. It's possible that she's never laid a normal egg but it's difficult to say for sure. Most days she drops it from the...
  7. P

    When to give up hope?

    I just canceled them again. All look mostly developed but no evidence of movement at all. I think they got pretty far along then quit moving forward. I think it's time to move on.
  8. P

    When to give up hope?

    Yes. Day 10 and again at lockdown. They looked viable at both of those points in time. This is day 6 of lockdown if that helps. Temp to stable at 100 and humidity has been right at 72 percent consistently.
  9. P

    When to give up hope?

    Rookie question. I'm hatching my first batch of eggs. I started unexpectedly after a dog killed much of my flock. I put all 16 eggs that I had on hand in the incubator. Since I didn't plan on hatching them, they'd just been stored on the countertop at room temperature. Some were fresh that day...
  10. P

    All Hens killed by Dog

    In the last 6 months the neighbor's dogs have killed 10 hens, 1 rooster, and our barn cat. I couldn't figure out what was killing them until this past Sunday when we witnessed it actually happen. I told the neighbor that if I see his dogs on my property again, they'll be shot. I will take no...
  11. P

    Is it right to give a dog away for killing 1 chicken and injuring 2

    I think a lot of it depends on the dog. When we bought our house it came with 6 chickens. We have a 8 year old lab that had never seen a chicken. She promptly killed two and was quite proud of herself. I scolded her and swatted her butt. No issues ever since. The dog and the chickens are now...
  12. P

    How in the heck do you figure out the dosage for wormer?

    I added 3ml or so to a gallon of water. The birds go through a gallon every 2 days. I did it twice so basically 4 consecutive days. Like others point out, it's not water totally water soluble but it's not as bad as people make it out to be. After a few hours the bottom few inches of the water...
  13. P

    How in the heck do you figure out the dosage for wormer?

    I use the liquid safeguard stuff too but I just add it to their water. No way I'm chasing down all of my chickens and shoving something into their mouths.
  14. P

    My dogs,Flock, and I almost died

    I have a pack of dogs that think my property is theirs. My dog and I disagree. My real problem isn't with the dogs though... it's with their idiot owners. I brought out the paintball gun with pepper spray paint balls. Not only will that teach the dogs not to come back but they'll go home and...
  15. P

    Best Southern Missouri Breeds

    Rhode Island Red.
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