Recent content by PoppySeedy

  1. P

    Hen has runny vent, unsure what it is

    I'll keep doing that then thank you!
  2. P

    Hen has runny vent, unsure what it is

    I got her age wrong sorry she's 4 this year not five haha, she's been quite a good egger but usually they're smaller than the other hens. Her poo is smelling quite stinky at the moment but I never know if it's a normal stink or unusual stink
  3. P

    Hen has runny vent, unsure what it is

    Thank you for the advice! Is there a good dewormer you recommend? And Do you have any idea what the white "leaking" is coming from her vent? Do you think it is vent gleet?
  4. P

    Hen has runny vent, unsure what it is

    She'll be 5 this year, she usually lays quite fragile eggshells so I do have oyster shells available, last dewormed over a year ago so they're probably due a deworm, feeding layers pellets and chicken scratch with vegetable treats every other day or so, I've cut down on the corn since seeing...
  5. P

    Hen has runny vent, unsure what it is

    Hello all! Recently I've noticed my hen has a runny vent, I at first thought it was just a dirty bottom so I cleaned it up and trimmed her feathers but every day it keeps happening so I assume it's more than just that. I don't know if it is vent gleet but I am treating it as such. I will attach...
  6. P

    Hen tipping forward while trying to poop, what is wrong. Is she constipated?

    Thank you for all the advice :> she's doing much better today and her crop was completely empty this morning! She laid a lovely egg and is back to her normal chickeny self haha
  7. P

    Hen tipping forward while trying to poop, what is wrong. Is she constipated?

    Very nice! I'm glad you were able to help your hen :) it's the end of the day now where I live and as of right now my hen is acting as right as rain but I still think there is a bit of a blockage in her crop if I feel it (feels pointy like something is in there but idk how it's exactly supposed...
  8. P

    Hen tipping forward while trying to poop, what is wrong. Is she constipated?

    Yeah haha I think the same about the egg, and just as I was typing the last message she led down for a sleep, but I'm keeping an eye on her. I will continue to work her crop throughout the day and let's hope it's better by tomorrow, if not I heard papaya extract can be good for impacted crops...
  9. P

    Hen tipping forward while trying to poop, what is wrong. Is she constipated?

    Her crop was hard like a golf ball size this morning so I think it's definitely impaction. I've given her some oil, water and a massage to try and get it all moving, I haven't fed her yet but when her crop feels more promising I'll give her some yoghurt and easy to digest foods. She did a...
  10. P

    Concerned my hen has an impacted crop

    Also I just went to get the eggs in and found one with blood on it. Idk if it's her egg or not (all of the girls eggs look the same at the moment), chances are it probably is, but poor lil girl must be struggling to push them out if she's not feeling too well
  11. P

    Concerned my hen has an impacted crop

    Thank you for the advice, I've just done my first oil and water syringing of the day and fingers crossed things start moving. It's definitely a lot better than yesterday, since she's moving around a lot more but the lil gal still isn't drinking by herself 😩
  12. P

    Concerned my hen has an impacted crop

    So it's definitely an impacted crop. I woke up this morning and checked in her, felt her crop and it's like a hard golf ball and it's gone quite hot. However she's not drinking that much which is concerning me considering she needs water to help break it up. I'll continue to give her oil and...
  13. P

    Concerned that my hen has been acting weird today, but she's not drinking

    I think she might have an impacted crop idk if feeding her is a good idea,,
  14. P

    Concerned that my hen has been acting weird today, but she's not drinking

    if you check my other threads it'll describe more of her behaviours today, but the one I'm most concerned about is that she's not drinking willingly. Like usually I can hold up the waters and my chickens will run over to it and drink, but this hen hasn't been drinking today, and I've been trying...
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