Recent content by ravensnow

  1. R

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    I just got done with jury duty. It was grueling. We were deadlocked over half the charges, but they accepted the verdicts we did agree on. Still trying to put it behind me. My two oldest hens are five years old! The younger bunch are turning four years old in a week. How is that possible...
  2. R

    Orpington Hen With Crop Issues. Gas in Crop Today. (Been Observing for Two Weeks. Long Post.)

    Awe, that's so sweet of you to ask. June 13 Update Overall, I think that things are going very well for her. We were able to split her antibiotic pills in half and hide both halves in a shrimp for each medication session, so that part of the process was pretty smooth once we figured that trick...
  3. R

    Buff orpington lost voice, making weird noises

    What happened with your buffy? I have a lavender Orpington who has suddenly lost her voice in the middle of the day. She doesn't exactly sound like yours, but your thread is recent enough that you might actually remember how this turned out.
  4. R

    Orpington Hen With Crop Issues. Gas in Crop Today. (Been Observing for Two Weeks. Long Post.)

    May 8 Update Vet #2 actually took Pomona seriously. The vet sent out a fecal sample to look for parasites and observed bacteria in her crop (in her cells), so we were prescribed a two-week course of antibiotics [amoxicillin trihydrate/clavulante potassium] and have to pill Pomona. We also got...
  5. R

    Orpington Hen With Crop Issues. Gas in Crop Today. (Been Observing for Two Weeks. Long Post.)

    Thank you. I scheduled another vet visit tomorrow morning with the new vet. I hope your cochin gets better, too. Best of luck with your plans. I'm too nervous to do that with Pomona. From the videos I watch on this procedure, make sure to give your sweetie lots of breaks to be right-side-up so...
  6. R

    Orpington Hen With Crop Issues. Gas in Crop Today. (Been Observing for Two Weeks. Long Post.)

    1 pm update: Pomona is acting pretty lethargic. She can stand up and move around, but she's mostly sitting. She's doing some preening, but mostly she's just sitting under the house. Bright red comb and wattles, like normal. She doesn't seem to be sleepy or squinting. We did see her get up...
  7. R

    Making a crop bra for a hen with pendulous crop

    Writing the measurements on the fabric itself is really helpful for the photos. I bought a crop bra from Etsy and planned on cloning it to make more, but your alternate design will be helpful, too.
  8. R

    Orpington Hen With Crop Issues. Gas in Crop Today. (Been Observing for Two Weeks. Long Post.)

    My darling Pomona (lavender Orpington hen, a little over two years old) has been having crop issues that we've been observing for two weeks, with a vet visit in between. We don't know what's going on, and would appreciate some guidance. I've written all our observations for background, but...
  9. R

    Laying Pullet Has Tail Pointed Down. Need Ideas for How to Help Her.

    Celestine seems alright now. The solution seemed to be to treat for coccidiosis. Here's what happened. November 22 - Celestine had her tail comically pointed down. No egg laid November 23 - Celestine's tail was still aggressively pointed down. Observing her closely throughout the day made us...
  10. R

    Blue Favaucana

    Poppy's so pretty, but are you sure she's a Favaucana? Beards, muffs, pea combs, and feathered legs seem to be the common traits that your little pullet doesn't have. You'll have to let us know what color eggs she lays when she gets older. :)
  11. R

    Blue Favaucana

    Way to late to be of help to you, but I'm curious. How did your chicks feather out?
  12. R

    Blue Favaucana

    She looks so much like our 29 week old pullets! Aren't they so beautiful? Such fluffy faces.
  13. R

    Laying Pullet Has Tail Pointed Down. Need Ideas for How to Help Her.

    Thank you. I hope so, too. She still has all her regular joie de vivre. We'll do an internal egg check if nothing changes by the time we're finished with work.
  14. R

    Laying Pullet Has Tail Pointed Down. Need Ideas for How to Help Her.

    So far, she's been really consistent. I would guesstimate that it's five days a week that we get an egg from her. She's only been laying for two weeks and we haven't been keeping proper records.
  15. R

    Laying Pullet Has Tail Pointed Down. Need Ideas for How to Help Her.

    Thanks for helping. My 29-week-old Favaucana (Easter Egger) pullet, Celestine, has had her tail pointing aggressively down yesterday and this morning. She started laying eggs on November 7, and all the eggs we've found have been perfect and petite, with no issues. One other of her sisters is...
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