Recent content by Rose the Legbar

  1. Rose the Legbar

    What is the sex of these Golden Laced Wyandottes

    Both are pullets 100%! Absolutely beautiful girls.
  2. Rose the Legbar

    Young Crown/cream legbar?

    Looks to be a pullet (a female chicken under a year old)! She could be a “color pack” chicken or a cross with a legbar as her crest isn’t really there and the colors are a bit off. It could just be because she is from a hatchery. Very cute girl!
  3. Rose the Legbar

    I’ve tried everything for impacted crop

    I would continue to massage her crop and offer her water 24/7. It should pass on its own, I have had to deal with some bad impacted crop (3 weeks of care). I would offer her some boiled or scrambled egg to keep up her energy.
  4. Rose the Legbar

    Sick hen won't leave coop

    She seems to be broody. She isn’t sick but she is trying to hatch out eggs which means she won’t leave the nest. You can put her in a wire sided dog crate with food and water and she should go back to normal.
  5. Rose the Legbar

    Are these 2 chicks "puffed up" pics inside

    They look to be normal, just more round body shape than the others.
  6. Rose the Legbar

    These were labeled Cream Legbars but are not- any thoughts?

    You may have a few cockerels in there but it is easier to tell when they are around 6 weeks old.
  7. Rose the Legbar

    These were labeled Cream Legbars but are not- any thoughts?

    D’uccles, millie fluer and a porcelain I believe.
  8. Rose the Legbar


    Haha, I was also quite surprised at how fast these guys have been maturing as well! I was expecting to have to wait months to tell pullets from cockerels! Most of my other chicks in my batch of 9 has small horn nubs which has me worried for them all being cockerels as I can’t keep them all. My...
  9. Rose the Legbar


    They are just 3 weeks old now! 1 is for certain a cockerel and another I am hesitant to say but i am pretty sure. First photo is of suspect’s wattles and the second photo is of my for sure cockerel.
  10. Rose the Legbar

    Hen or roo?

  11. Rose the Legbar

    Roo? What kind?

    Not a legbar, wrong color and no crest. Possibly a legbar based easter egger of sorts.
  12. Rose the Legbar

    What comb/cross is this?

    The one in the back looks to be a modified rose comb of sorts. Maybe a rose mixed with a single comb? He doesn’t look to be pure wyandotte as well.
  13. Rose the Legbar

    Legbar gone mad

    You may need to make a whole separate flock with your silkie hen or rehome her as she isn’t accepted within your flock anymore. Sometimes bantams don’t do well at all in a flock of standard sized hens due to being smaller and getting picked on. If you remove your legbar, another hen may take the...
  14. Rose the Legbar

    Please help chicken not eating hard food

    Can you send photos of her? Close up and clear photos of the face and fullbody photos?
  15. Rose the Legbar

    Bantam D'uccle Crosses (Roos or Hens?)

    Chick 1 seems to be your only pullet.
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