Recent content by Sproutablossom

  1. Sproutablossom

    Duck with weird skin and bald patches - Anyone seen this before?

    So we have this little drake who gets picked on by the other boys (he has since been removed from the boy pen) They liked to hold him down and tear out feathers. It wasn’t bad at first as they all tugged on each other, but then we noticed that he started to do it to himself. Like self...
  2. Sproutablossom

    Duckling Help - Hatched premature and is at the 72 hour mark out of egg

    She did really well all day before suddenly becoming lethargic and passing away very soon after. It was all within minutes. Thank you all for your help 🩷 she will be missed. Her 7 siblings, plus 2 adopted mallards, are all doing wonderfully though! Just had their first dip in a shallow pool...
  3. Sproutablossom

    Duckling Help - Hatched premature and is at the 72 hour mark out of egg

    Thank you! She’s very interested in the water, so we are letting her have some for a few minutes every hour. Definitely going to do the mug idea since she keeps stretching that one leg out. I’m hopeful she’ll pull through 🩷 just want to try everything to give her the best shot
  4. Sproutablossom

    Duckling Help - Hatched premature and is at the 72 hour mark out of egg

    Also, if I am needing to assist her in eating and drinking how often shall I do that until she can do it herself?
  5. Sproutablossom

    Duckling Help - Hatched premature and is at the 72 hour mark out of egg

    Hello all, Our Indian Runner ducks laid eggs and diligently sat on them up until the first one hatched. The mother then accidentally suffocated the first baby so we removed the other eggs and very swiftly put them in the incubator. All 8 had pipped, and after 12 hours everyone but two had...
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