Recent content by TexasBlues

  1. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    I would like another BCM rooster, but I don’t think I’ll be able to keep 2 roosters. The one I have now is not perfect, but he is tolerable. The crowing is usually around 6 am til 630 then stops for awhile and doesn’t crow but maybe every hour or so. The other BCM was crowing about every 2...
  2. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    That’s exciting in the shipped eggs. Those are the BBS marans? Here’s a pic of the chicks right now taking a siesta inside their large chicken wire playpen. I have to keep them in here for the majority of the day and then let them free range for 2-3 hrs in the evening. The dog can only protect...
  3. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    Thanks for asking. The 19 has unfortunately gone down to 14. I lost 4 about 3 weeks ago and then another 1 last week. I never saw what happened to any of them. They have been slipping through the chain link and getting into the alley and I think are getting snatched by neighbors’ free ranging...
  4. TexasBlues

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    She has recovered completely. I had to keep her penned up in a dog kennel for almost a week and put neosporin on the wounds daily. I did give her sardines as well as scrambled eggs. The first day I let her back out the cockerel mounted her and tore open her wounds, but I kept treating her and...
  5. TexasBlues

    What do you call this pattern? Crele?

    I learned that word comes from creel, meaning the wicker type of woven fishing baskets. “With an uncomplicated design and simplicity, the creel is a symbol of fishing from days gone by. The word “creel” or “a wickerwork receptacle” dates back to the Middle English, between 1250 and 1450 A.D. A...
  6. TexasBlues

    Plans for a new backyard coop/run build

    1/4 acre is perfect for 100 chickens at 108sqft/ea
  7. TexasBlues

    Plans for a new backyard coop/run build

    For eggs to be labeled pasture raised it is 108 sqft/hen. I try to get close to that.
  8. TexasBlues

    Plans for a new backyard coop/run build

    I see 224. That sounds pretty small for 10 birds.
  9. TexasBlues

    Plans for a new backyard coop/run build

    You mentioned you were only 15’ from the neighbors. What is your total square footage for the run?
  10. TexasBlues

    Plans for a new backyard coop/run build

    I’m in austin. I think it’s 50’ from neighbor’s buildings. I let mine roam free in the yard and return to an open air style coop. I have one rooster and noise isn’t too bad.
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