

Muscovies are the only domestic "ducks" that are not bred from the mallard. They are a wild South...

General Information

Egg Color
Creamy White
Breed Colors/Varieties
The original, wild muscovy is predominately black and white. Domesticity has produced other colors,such as all white or black,chocolate, blue, lavender and more, and patterns such as barred.
Breed Size
Large Fowl
Muscovies are the only domestic "ducks" that are not bred from the mallard. They are a wild South American species that has been domesticated. They are actually a "close cousin" to the duck. The muscovy being to the duck what a donkey is to a horse. Males are very large, and can weigh up to twelve pounds and females may reach eight pounds. They will lay 50-120 eggs a year.

Latest reviews

Muscovy ducks
Pros: Don't swim as much as other ducks.
aren't as messy as other ducks.
quiet compared to other ducks.
they're big size and good meat makes them excellent meat birds.
Cons: Some are capable of flight.
they are bullies to smaller birds.
they are hard to handle with their sharp claws, strength and size.
Good birds, very quiet but some females can fly.
the females make a quiet whimpering sound and they can make a quack like sound when stressed, drakes make a hissing sound and will usually bully or fight other drakes.
I'm giving them 4 stars because they are good birds but not for everybody.
Purchase Price
$5 - $50 Australian dollars
They are so cool looking too
Pros: Easy to be around
Not agressive
Large so can be used for meat
I let mine roam around and they even sleep outside on the trees near my pond. Have had no deaths and have been raising them for a year
Cons: can be mean to ducks smaller than them
They are amazing animals. I leave mine outside and feed them a mix of corn, wheat, sunflower seeds, milo, and oats. They are beutiful ducks and are super quiet and alert. Cold hardy and can fly fairly well. I'm giving this review because they are amazing!
Purchase Price
$4.00 each for a 4 month old moscovy
Purchase Date
wow 5 stars you really love them! and for good reason!
Pros: Quiet, EXTREMELY DOCILE, great temperament, cold hardy (to a point), friendly, fun to watch, do not require as much water as a mallard descendant duck would. Get along with every type of bird I've owned.
Cons: To docile to a point they do not defend themselves at all, still a duck so messy, gets water everywhere (which causes issues in winter)
The muscovy has been my first duck breed to ever own. I started hobby farming in june of last year. I have many different breeds of chickens and 2 muscovies and i can say with ease that the muscovies are my absolute favorite. I cant say i will never get another type of duck, but i will always have a few muscovies around. such docile and friendly birds! They dont find the need to be in water 24/7 like other ducks.
Purchase Price
20$ canadian


Oh ok then yeah they are not mean at all nice really nice to me but gross and they poop alot
Taste the same as a chicken egg. They make great cakes too ! Mine free range in the yard; they do stay around the farm and do not tend to wander.
I forgot to ask you, how many eggs a week does the Muscovey hen lay ?
I agree with the first part of your statement, but I must take exception to the second. I have a flock of exhibition quality muscovies along with a ton of free range chickens, three free range dogs and two free range pre-schoolers. We all get along. My ducks eat mealworms from my kids hands.
Love muscovies, no quacking, no musky smell, less mess and for meat, you can just skin them out and cook them like a roast, no plucking! And the meat tastes sublime.
first part agree but not the 2nd part. none of the 5 drakes we have are aggresive but again we handle everyday i have yet to see an aggresive scovy. they are great around both kids and pets. love my scovies
I like the review, mine are just the same, but my males aren´t very aggressive. The ducklings are a joy to watch and I love watching the females fly, I don´t clip any wings and they stay around their home. Juvenile males seem enormous when they take to the wing, adult males don´t manage it, so stick around patrolling the place. A variety of colours, too.
Me too!! Love these ducks! My hang around and I left their feathers so they can protect themselves better. They totally stick around. My drakes are not aggressive at all, just really horny in the spring and relentlessly on the hens! So much fun to have around though, fun to watch, great bug and grub eaters and quiet as can be. I just think you can't go wrong with Muscovies based on my expereince, I am now on second generation and having the ducklings around is so much fun.
Don't forget they are skeeter eaters! Delicious eggs and if not too indelicate to say, their meat is considered a delicacy, beef/veal like in texture and far less greasy than other duck varieties.
Haven't had issue with agressiveness either - but lusty romeos for sure!
sounds like you need to hatch some out so you can tame the babies
when they are still young
Bigbird they need a larger area then
if they can get out & freerange they will not be near your house often
so there will be way less poop
was wondering why you mentioned that the females but not the males when the males also fly. . not as well as the females but they do fly
Mine are not at all aggressive to humans. The mothers are protective of their young and would take on a cat or a coon; the coon would kill her anyway but I hope a cat would be coward enough to run from a protective hen duck and leave the ducklings alone. I hate cats, but there is a feral cat, too fast to shoot and too wary to trap, that I fear will hunt my ducks. I haven't been able to kill it, much as I want to.
My Muscovy drakes are all quiet, peaceful birds, not aggressive with each other or anything else. The senior drake is the most personable bird I know, I have no trouble handling him at all, and he's far more intelligent and entertaining than any other poultry I've ever seen.
I don't have any chickens ( don't like them as live birds, just as dinner) so no problem there, but my Muscovy drake is gentle with the she ducks. The younger drakes don't get a chance to breed, as the senior drake shoves his way in and pushes them aside. These are tropical tree ducks, so of course they have claws, it's the nature of the bird, and not a flaw. My Muscovies gave me 500 eggs and two hatches of ducklings last year, and we get 6 eggs a day now.

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4.45 star(s) 55 ratings

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