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  1. MarlaMac

    Heat stroke?!

    We are reaching feels like temps of 100+ here in Central Texas. Anytime our feels like temps are above 90, I do several things for my chickens. I leave them completely alone. They are usually somewhere in the trees or under the deck hunkered down in the shade for most of the day (they free...
  2. MarlaMac


    You are the one there with her. You know best and it is obvious that you want the best for her. If they are small little bites, you can use triple antibiotic (w/o pain reliever) as your "oil/ointment" on the swab. Won't hurt a thing and if they are small scabs, it might help with the healing...
  3. MarlaMac


    Can you wash the spots off? I would get a cotton ball damp with some sort of oil and see if the spots will wash off with a gentle swabbing. If they do, then you probably got some sort of small scab that should resolve itself. If they wash off and are creepy crawly, then you have something...
  4. MarlaMac


    Are they actual little bugs? I can't see them real clear, but if they are bugs, they look a whole lot like stick-tight fleas (aka poultry fleas). They burrow in like ticks so it is hard to see their heads. They are quite a bit smaller than a regular dog/cat flea. This is stock photo a...
  5. MarlaMac

    Help baby chick has strange bugs on it

    You might give her a courtesy call to let her know what you found. If the chicks had them upon arrival at your place, her chickens (and/or chicks) are bound to have them too. :)
  6. MarlaMac

    The Mystery of the Missing Eggs

    Where are you? What is the weather like? Any sudden changes? What is their regular feed? What treats do you offer? Do you offer free choice oyster shell or other free choice sources of calcium?
  7. MarlaMac

    Yellow poo in my bantam hen

    Also, a hack that @Wyorp Rock told me about when I had to give one of my gals Amoxicillin is to take the amount you need and put it in a small amount of coconut oil, mix it up and freeze it. When it is time to give it to her, just take a coconut oil "pill" to her. You have undoubtedly found...
  8. MarlaMac

    Yellow poo in my bantam hen

    Sorry about your hen. Might she be picking through the feed and eating only the sunflower seeds you put in there? Chickens are like children - if you give them a choice, they will only eat the junk food and leave all the nutritious stuff behind. That being said, yellow urates, barring...
  9. MarlaMac

    Necrotic tissue??

    I have never used that, so I can not speak to its efficacy, but the idea is to cleanse the @Eggcessive make sure that is not would be maggot on his vent and make sure to check that daily. Flystrike can come on pretty quickly and the results are quickly horrific. Hopefully, he will heal quickly.
  10. MarlaMac

    Pecked eye treatment

    Smart to find and separate the culprit. Sometimes a simple separation will be enough to put the separated bird down a notch or two on the hierarchy scale. Chickens are constantly vying for top spot whether we see it or not, sometimes it is simple, sometimes more outlandish. I have never used...
  11. MarlaMac

    Pecked eye treatment

    Poor baby - hope she recovers quickly. Use a saline flush and follow up with terramycin ophthalmic ointment. You can usually get that at Tractor Supply. If you can't get it you can use regular neosporin without pain killer. Probably 2x daily. If it develops pus in the eye - you will need to...
  12. MarlaMac

    Necrotic tissue??

    It doesn't look too bad. Have you rid him/his environment of mites? That would be my first order of business. For him, I would cleanse it with clorhexidine (you can get it most anywhere) - be cautious with it - it is sold super concentrated. You will have to dilute it before you use it. I...
  13. MarlaMac

    If vitamin deficiency - how long before you see improvement

    Sorry she didn't get better. Hope everyone else stays well!
  14. MarlaMac

    Chicken with terrible wound

    This is what I use. I pay up for the non-gmo simply because I wouldn't want to eat that stuff so I don't feed it to my chickens. I also buy the crumbles so that when I have baby chicks I don't have to go get a special feed for them, but they do have the same in pellet form. I watch Chewys for...
  15. MarlaMac

    Chicken with terrible wound

    The first time my chickens molted it freaked me out. I had one that was almost naked beak to toes. Then I had others that only lost a few feathers and still others that lost in patches that completely fell off in one area and when those were growing back, they lost feathers in other areas...
  16. MarlaMac

    White clumps in hens throat (picture)

    Worms are parasites. I know that different meds treat different worms so it is not a one-for-all type situation. Your vet may be able to answer that or perhaps a search her on BYC for canker treatment.
  17. MarlaMac

    White clumps in hens throat (picture)

    Can't see it well in the pics. Does it give off a bad odor?
  18. MarlaMac

    Chicken with terrible wound

    Also, what is their regular feed? Feather picking/eating can be a sign of low protein diet.
  19. MarlaMac

    Chicken with terrible wound

    Has she or is she possibly molting?
  20. MarlaMac

    Chicken with terrible wound

    I hope she continues to get better. Please know that neither peroxide nor vetrericyn is an antibiotic. She will need the antibiotic ointment stave off infection. It is also necessary to keep the wound moist with the antibiotic ointment so that it can heal properly. ❤️
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