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  1. TJAnonymous

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Busy day... Needed to restock my yearly hay supply. Wanted to pick it up last weekend but it was supposed to rain so I didn't. Ended up not raining... 😑 Decided to go this weekend since it wasn't supposed to rain. It was a torrential downpour on the way back. I hate the weatherman. 🤬 Did...
  2. TJAnonymous

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I don't know... There are times I've literally had to hold myself back from yanking my molars our with pliers or stab my gums with a knife because the itch/ache is so bad.... 😂
  3. TJAnonymous

    What did you do in the garden today?

    When getting my wisdom teeth removed as a teen, the dentist punctured into my sinus cavity... Or maybe the roots of my wisdom teeth were growing into my sinus cavity. Can't remember exactly... But either way, whenever I get a cold or allergies or anything that causes pressure and excess mucus in...
  4. TJAnonymous

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I woke up this morning with my molars itching... Weird symptom, I know... 😂 But it's ALWAYS a precursor to a bad allergy day. I started loading up on meds for the day before doing anything else.
  5. TJAnonymous

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Speaking of tomatoes.... Last year I grew an enormous monster (see below). I weighed nearly 2 lbs! I think it was from a variety called Backa. I'm growing that variety again this year, but I've been watching another potential monster in this year's crop. It's from a variety called Olena...
  6. TJAnonymous

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I tried to leave as many CLEAN growth nodes as possible... Only time will tell.
  7. TJAnonymous

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Thinking about getting another goat this weekend... Haven't told DH yet. 😉
  8. TJAnonymous

    What did you do in the garden today?

    We handled all 5 to give them a little bit of sugar water and electrolytes since they've been 5 days without momma. None of them smelled even the slightest bit musky. But when we took the last 2 to the rehab, one of the babies was inconsolable. He cried the entire 30 minute ride there and kept...
  9. TJAnonymous

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Yes, it's painful. I just planted the seed potatoes in mid to late April so I doubt they are even close to ready.
  10. TJAnonymous

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Nope....not even a whiff
  11. TJAnonymous

    What did you do in the garden today?

    On the potato drama... Here's before: Here's after: 😔 Hoping it grows back... On a positive note, the dahlias in my memorial bed are starting to bloom. So pretty... Although they've completely drowned out the glads and daylilies
  12. TJAnonymous

    What did you do in the garden today?

    We are up to 5 baby skunks now... Already taken 3 to the rehab. Waiting to see if any more show up before making another run.
  13. TJAnonymous

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Well, I might have killed my potatoes... 👉👈 I covered them with insect netting in hopes of preventing potato bugs. They were doing pretty great as seen here. Then we got 16" of rain combined with an onslaught of aphids & thrips & other pests that I didn't catch because I didn't see them...
  14. TJAnonymous

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I frequently get maggots in chicken feed bowls when they don't eat it all and it rains. I dump it out on the ground before putting new feed in. Chickens go to town on the larva... Which you'd think they'd see in the bowl but they won't bother with them unless they are on the ground...
  15. TJAnonymous

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I've never done hot pickles before... DH is the one who likes them so I'll let him decide how hot they should be. 😉😂
  16. TJAnonymous

    What did you do in the garden today?

    All my pole beans died within a few days of sprouting... But the seeds I used were at least 5 yrs old. My bush beans were between 1 - 5 yrs old. Even had only a few of those actually sprout.
  17. TJAnonymous

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I've canned about 9 quarts already and still have more to go... Mine are a mix of bread & butter and dill. Thinking of doing hot pickles with some.
  18. TJAnonymous

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Arkansas is not so rigid. You always retain the right to protect life and property. The skunk was getting into my eggs and looked like it had distemper or rabies. I now realize she was disheveled and unkempt because of where she had her den. I've already spoken with a wildlife rehab provided...
  19. TJAnonymous

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Yes except in the garden. The garden is purposely very far from anywhere the chickens or ducks roam
  20. TJAnonymous

    What did you do in the garden today?

    And tastes like dish soap 😂
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