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  1. daniellea2912

    Pastured Hens- tackling with "toxic" plant lists...

    I have pastured hens... They are in the coop at night and 99% of the time during the day they are in an old large backyard turned chicken pasture. I have 10 hens that are a year old and I bought 7 chicks to add to the flock. Since this is the first year they will spend the whole summer out in...
  2. daniellea2912

    2 week old chick with long upper beak

    I picked up my 2 week old EE chick and noticed her upper beak looks longer than the other chicks of the same age Could it be the beginnings of a cross beak? the bottom part may be off the teeniest bit sometimes when I look at it (like in the pic from below) but then other times I...
  3. daniellea2912

    Ohioans- where do you buy your organic or high quality feed?

    I am between Dayton and Columbus and having trouble finding a feed I like for my 11 hens. I started them off on Dumor, but I hate how much of the bag is dust. So I tried the tizwhiz layer pellets which I didnt like either because the shells seemed to lose color-all seemed to look the same...
  4. daniellea2912

    Feeding Red Swiss Chard = bright tealish green colored poops?

    Sooo, yesterday I gave my chickens a few large leaves of swiss chard. Most of them nibbled on a few bites then went along their way. When i came back to check on them later the leaves were totally gone with just a little of the stem left. Today i noticed a chicken poo that was very brightly...
  5. daniellea2912

    Dust bath bin for inside coop- How deep should it be?

    So I have decided to put a few dust bath bins inside my coop, mostly for bad weather days my flock is cooped up inside. I have found 2 of these things- that were laying around that I would like to use rather that buy or build something. However I was wondering- it is only about 3 1/2 inches...
  6. daniellea2912

    Egg bound/egg yolk peritonitis/something else?

    My red sex link hen (hatched 4/14/13) has a habit of becoming under the weather every month or two. She always gets a droopy tail, passes egg white looking material and drinks a lot of water. Then she usually perks up over the next 12-24 hours and other than taking a few days off from laying she...
  7. daniellea2912

    Multiple runs on one coop- rotating between...

    I have 10 chicks that I am beginning to construct a coop and run for. I was thinking of making them a multi-run system where they would have one portion of the run they always have access to in (the part closest to the coop) and then have 2 or 3 other sections that I am able to shut them off...
  8. daniellea2912

    Any guesses on sex of 18 day old chicks? bpr and ee

    I'm a newbie chicken owner, so I wondered if any of the more experienced forum members could give me their opinions the sex of a few of my 18 day old chicks please? ( if it's not too early to tell) Barred Plymouth rock #1- My guess is pullet Barred Plymouth rock #2- again I'm guessing pullet...
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