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  1. annabobbob717

    Magpie Duckling 100% YELLOW

    I have three ducklings hatched from eggs on ebay. They are magpie ducks which I have never raised before. One came out all yellow and the other two have the classic black patches all over. Does anybody know if this is common with some magpie ducklings? I love her either way, I’m just curious if...
  2. annabobbob717

    Chick extra toe

    Hi! I had five chicks hatch today from eggs I collected from my aunts coop. She has a several roosters who could be the fathers, they seem to be polish X polish as the eggs were white and the chicks seem to be polish chicks. However, a few of my aunts polish have an extra toe but most do not. I...
  3. annabobbob717

    7 day embryo had a heart beat after cracked

    Grisly question here. To make things short, I have eggs incubating and did my day seven candling. Two eggs appeared obviously sloshing and empty of signs of life so I decided to take them out. I tend to crack the eggs and see if the eggs had signs of life, death or never became fertile. One was...
  4. annabobbob717

    My duck is a psycho, I’m ready to lose it!

    Hello everyone! SO it isn’t even 6 am and once again I am ripped from a sound sleep by one out of 10 birds, and it’s not even my rooster. My 8 chickens wait patiently and quietly to be let out every morning, and my other duck does as well. But for some reason my flock has been cursed with the...
  5. annabobbob717

    Easter Egger; HEN OR ROO?

    Hi everyone! So I have four new pullets I’ve been raising and they are officially 9 weeks old. They are wonderful but my only concern is my Easter egger. She has a slightly oranger and larger comb than her sisters although there’s have begun to change from yellow to Orange as well. It is not...
  6. annabobbob717

    Easter egger, or something else!?

    Hello fellow chicken lovers! I’ve been keeping Easter eggers for years now as they are my favorite “breed”. I have one new Easter egger in my flock I ordered from the same place I’ve been going to for years. She has puffy cheeks, blue legs and the over all appearance and personality of an Easter...
  7. annabobbob717

    Duck Breed Question

    Hello everyone! I have been raising chickens for years and I'm ready to add a few ducks. I want a classic white duck, but nothing as big as a pekin. Does anybody have experience with white layer ducks from metzer farm? Are they loud? Are the friendly? They are a new breed so there is little...
  8. annabobbob717

    Why are my hens laying in winter?

    Hello! I live in upstate new York and it is winter time. The day starts around 7:10 am and ends around 4:50 so the days at work very short. Why are my one and a half year old hens laying still! I get eggs from each every day! I thought hens do not lay much in the winter! (I am not using light...
  9. annabobbob717

    I need a quiet duck

    Hello everyone! I am looking to get ducks this spring. I have never owned ducks before or been around them much so I have little experience. My question is, what breed are quiet? I want khaki Campbell's because of there small size. Can anybody tell me if they are quiet???
  10. annabobbob717

    Does chicken and duck harmony exist?

    Hello everyone! So I've decided to build a duck coop this spring and bring home some ducklings! My question is, will my 8 chickens have a problem with them? Are there any tips to keeping the two animals in the same yard???
  11. annabobbob717

    Pale wattle

    I noticed last night that my GLW had a remarkably pale comb and wattle. The flock has started there molt this past few weeks so I thought that was the cause. Today I noticed she is lethargic and won't eat her favorite treats. Is this anemia due to worms?
  12. annabobbob717


    Hi! I'm just sitting around genuinely stumped on supplements! I know chickens need lutein to produce the dark orange eggs, and mine do mostly, but I was wondering if it's safe to crush up some lutein pills and mix it in there breakfast? I won't do it until I'm sure it's totally safe!
  13. annabobbob717

    Leg issue

    Hello! I have a five week old chick who is acting visibly odd. She can walk with no limp, but she sort of buckles at the knee. It is challenging for her to jump to the roost and to walk very far. Is there anything I can do or give her before it gets worse?
  14. annabobbob717

    Male or female chick panic!

    Hello! So I have five chicks just a few days shy of three weeks old. It came to my attention that one of my Brown leghorn's comb is much larger than the other Brown leghorn's. While I understand Brown leghorn females have very large combs, should I be concerned or is this normr for the breed? I...
  15. annabobbob717

    Baby chick with separation anxiety??

    Hello all! I was so happy to find two extra chicks added to my batch of three today now making five! The only issue is absolutely terrified of me going out of her sight. If I go to a corner of the room where she cannot see me, she screams! I have not left my room all day and she just...
  16. annabobbob717

    Medicated pullet eggs

    Hi! Well I have a super quick question. My 23 week old white rock pearl has finally started laying. The catch is we were told we cannot eat her eggs while she is on her new medicine from her leg injury. It is called meticam, an anti infinflammatory. What does this medication do to the eggs? I...
  17. annabobbob717

    Newly laying pullet

    Today I noticed my 22 week old pullet doing something extremely odd. She later her first egg five days ago but today was the first time I saw her actually do it. I must have caught her at the tale end of laying because she was standing up in her box. In the nesting box there is pine shavings...
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