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  1. NewYorkMama

    Ameraucanas or Easter Eggers?

    Hi y’all! These were labeled as Ameraucanas (pullets) when I got them as babies… but I have my doubts now! They’re about 10–11 weeks old. Any thoughts on breed or gender? Thanks so much!
  2. NewYorkMama

    Sapphire Gem gender guesses…

    These chicks are about 5-6 weeks old now. I selected two that are the most similar looking in feathering. They’re supposedly Sapphire Gems. 🧐
  3. NewYorkMama

    Sapphire Gems: Boy & Girl? Updated Photos!

    Hi All! Just posted recently about my Sapphire Gem chicks. A few days later now & I tried to get some better pics of just the two who look the most similar coloring wise. They’re supposed to be Sapphire Gems. Between 4-5 weeks. Do I have a boy & a girl? Or is one just an early maturing pullet...
  4. NewYorkMama

    Sapphire Gem Cockerel or Pullet please!

    Hi there. I have 3 sapphire gem chicks (& three australorps) around 4 weeks old. This one though… their tiny comb/waddle is looking awfully red at this young age to be to be a girl! It’s more red than my other pullets who are a month older. Thought this breed was sex linked?? Here are a few of...
  5. NewYorkMama

    Barred Rock Pullet or Cockerel?

    Barred Rock male or female? This is the only barred rock I have so no one to compare to. S(he)’s the most “aggressive” towards all the other chicks (and me) and notices everything. Also is the cuddliest which is interesting. Her/his comb is def the most prominent of all my chicks. A few Photos...
  6. NewYorkMama

    Need to deal with this rat, but… karma

    If there’s anyone out there who tries to follow a path of nonviolence / ahisma / do no harm in their life, I’d love your perspective on this. We have this rat who visits our chicken run. My girls & he were simpatico: they ate together, hung out in the yard together. He never took their eggs...
  7. NewYorkMama

    Amerucauna tail-less

    Hello! I have chicks which are roughly 3-4 weeks old. Two were listed as “Amerucauna” breed at TS. They look distinctly different from one another already which is interesting, but particularly noticeable is the lack of tail feathers on the one. I’ve never had this breed before. Thoughts? Pics...
  8. NewYorkMama

    Five chickens dead overnight

    Hi. I lost five chickens in one night to what I presume was a mink or weasel. Just looking for some validation this was the predator. The only way in at night would have been through a rat hole in the side of the run. The entire run (underside too) and all openings in the coop are wrapped in...
  9. NewYorkMama

    Rooster Crowing Questions - Brainstorming ideas!

    Hi folks! My accidental rooster started crowing last week and it was super cute at first as he was learning. Now it’s developed into a full/blown very LOUD and FREQUENT crow. Like sometimes of day he’ll crow every few minutes!!! We work from home and the coop is right below our bedroom & our...
  10. NewYorkMama

    Any non-lethal fox deterrents that WORK?

    Hi friends. We have a family of foxes that moved in to our area a few years ago — right at the corner of our & two neighbors’ farms. I feel the foxes have as much right to be here as we do, but they’ve taken turns decimating each of our flocks over the years. We’ve researched rehoming them, but...
  11. NewYorkMama

    Lost my Easter Egger

    I lost my buddy. She was only 2 years old and one of the cuddliest, sweetest, people-oriented chickens I’ve ever met. She would follow us around the yard, help us garden, then hop out of the yard to perch on the porch chair and look in the window when we went inside. A fox got her. She was...
  12. NewYorkMama

    Easter Egger with an attitude problem!

    Hi y’all. I have a 2 year old Easter Egger who is a sweetie to humans and her “sister” a 6 year old buff orpington. A few weeks ago I introduced 6 babies (8 weeks old now) to the 2 big girls. We started with just a visual “greeting” the chicks in a completely separate space where the big girls...
  13. NewYorkMama

    8 weeks orpingtons!

    Okay experts… two buffs; around 7-8 weeks. Pullet? Cockerel? What do you think? And how certain are you? Ty!
  14. NewYorkMama

    Beginner Rooster Question!

    Hi friends! One of my “pullets” this season appears to be a cockerel! 🤔 As I’m new to rooster raising, I have what is probably a really basic question, but please set my mind at ease here. We’ve got pescatarians, vegetarians, & vegans in my household, so I want to fully understand the...
  15. NewYorkMama

    6 week orpingtons…

    Photo update post! These 2 buff orpingtons are the same age; 6 weeks. From TS supposedly pullets. What’s your opinion?
  16. NewYorkMama

    Bossy or a boy!?!

    Hi all! I have 6 chicks around 5-6ish weeks old. They’re still inside because it got down to 27° here last night(!!) Come on Mother Nature it’s MAY. Anyhow, two of the chicks are buff orpingtons, the same age. One is a bit smaller than the other, her tail is shorter, yet her comb is much bigger...
  17. NewYorkMama

    2-3 weeks roosting already???

    Hi. I have 6 chicks ranging in age from 2.5 - 4 weeks. The last couple of nights they’ve all gone to sleep on their roosting bar instead of under the warmer. This seems super early to me, but it’s been a couple of years since I’ve had chicks. The oldest ones have lots of feathers but my youngest...
  18. NewYorkMama

    Tiny White Bugs on butt — HELP!

    My Buff Orpington (6yrs) has a pretty bare butt. I’ve seen her coopmate snatch and eat her butt feathers and she doesn’t seem to mind so I’ve let it be. But she was laying next to me in the sun today and I saw how really bare her butt is. On closer examination there are tiny tiny white bugs...
  19. NewYorkMama

    Keeping them busy?

    Hey folks! My flock is down to just 2 girls (due to a ravenous fox over the last 2 years). Especially during spring — peak fox season here — I’ll be keeping my girls closed in their run. It is covered, and open to the air/sun on the side. Would love some ideas of what to put in there to keep...
  20. NewYorkMama

    Found a squirrel skin in my chickens’ yard. What?!

    Hey all, When letting the chickens out of their run into their fenced yard this morning, I found a squirrel skin! No bones, no meat, no squirrel at all, other than the skin/fur/tail. It was NOT there last night when I closed the girls in their coop/run. We have a feral cat that I feed — he’s...
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