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  • Users: dbjay417
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  1. dbjay417

    Rabbit Birthing Box

    What size should my birthing box be for a 5-6lb rabbit? i was given a 9x11 box by the old man who set me up, but it seems crowded. My rabbit gave birth to 9 kits last night. I'm concerned that some will be crushed, or perhaps it will be too crowded for them all to feed adequately. When i got...
  2. dbjay417

    homemade incubator wiring Question

    I'm trying to wire a PC fan to run from the wall outlet. I have read that I need an AC/DC 12v adapter with a minimum of .33a to match the specs of the fan. Is this true? Have any of you done it differently with success? also, what do i do with the 3rd wire on the PC fan? I have red, black...
  3. dbjay417

    From the top!

    last time I got meat birds, I didnt even know they were meat birds for like three weeks, so i'm counting this as my first try. I just got ten today from the farm store. What i can't recall for the life of me, is at what intervals do i feed them through their short lives? For example, right now...
  4. dbjay417

    Silkie Issues...

    I think my silkie is retarded, like mentally disabled. Shes not scared of anything, not the dogs, not the cats, not me. I've seen her attack my largest dog, which is some sorta shepard-lab mix. She chooses horrible nesting spots, and shes failed to hatch eggs three times already. This last...
  5. dbjay417

    help IDing Breed

    I have no pics but this guy is pretty distinctive looking. his body is buff, but his tail is black, he also has a black mohawk, that hes had since he was a chick. I also have a pullet that isbuff with a black tail. i thought the was a buff orp because she looks like a buff orp rooster i have...
  6. dbjay417

    The Bantam Menace!!

    This lil SOB comes into my yard and makes dishonest hens of my chickens!! My rooster is a monster like 3 times his size, but hes young and as gentle as can be. A lot of people have chickens around here, but i think this chicken is wild. Once it sees me in the yard, it runs and flys like its...
  7. dbjay417

    Best assortment of hatching eggs?

    I'm looking for a hatchery that can be accessed via internet that has a good variety of fertile chicken eggs. McMurray was a bust as they only have assortments, and Meyer, the only other hatchery I found that even offers fertile eggs, is out of stock or whatever. Can anyone provide me with a...
  8. dbjay417

    Broody Qs

    Is it true that a hen of laying age that is being mounted regularly by a roo, will go broody if her nest is allowed to fill with eggs? I've been told this is the case by a few locals but locals here also use moon cycles for gardening, so everything they say goes with a grain of salt. Also...
  9. dbjay417

    Hen Q. Bator??

    Is it feasable to hatch fertile eggs purchased from a hatchery under a broody hen?
  10. dbjay417

    Somethings not adding up.

    I don't know a lot about genetics, and I'm hoping some one here can clarify for me. I've read that "broilers" aka cornish x rocks are f2 (second generation) hybrids. Mustering all of my common sense I can only reason that their parents must have been the f1 (first generation) hybrids, and their...
  11. dbjay417

    Sand for litter

    Does anyone have any experience with using sand for litter? i found some literature suggesting that it works pretty well, but the text didnt actually go into detail. I live about 1000 miles away from a pine tree and not a mile from the beach LoL. obviously i wouldn't use beach sand, but that...
  12. dbjay417

    Meat bird living quarters...

    I'm not sure how to keep my three lil meat birds. I've seen fantastic coops for pet and egg birds, with nest boxes and roosts and runs etc, but most of that seems pointless for meat birds. By the time they are really old enough to use the roost, they will be too fat to use the roost, they'll...
  13. dbjay417

    Going For It...

    Well apon discovery that my pet chickens were actually meatbirds that would slowly but surely die if not sacrificed for meat before the reaper cought up with them of his own accords, I've desided to switch them over to a broiler diet I found outlined somewhere on the web, and keep them in...
  14. dbjay417

    chicks too fat

    Alright, Some where along the line my chicks went from being cute lil balls of feathers to being morbidly obese. All they do all day long is eat. They eat the morning ration with the other birds, then long after the other birds have gone off to dust bathe and scratch in the leaves, they are...
  15. dbjay417

    Imported Live Birds Banned...

    Imported Live Birds are temporarily banned from entering puerto rico, because some fighting birds in the Domincan Republic were found to have strains of avian flu. Its not unusual for Dominican birds to be imported for cockfights which is a 700 million dollar a year industry in Puerto Rico...
  16. dbjay417

    Happy New Year!!

    Today i woke up and fed the birds, and dragged my hung over butt back to bed. When I woke up again around 10am I went out to clean the pen and change the water, and a quick head count revealed a missing chicken. A thurough search of the yard, turned up nothing, but then my mother caught sight of...
  17. dbjay417

    Hatching Eggs Vs. Day Old Chicks

    I'm curious to know why some people prefer hatching eggs to raising day old chicks. Any input would be appreciated.
  18. dbjay417

    Slow to start...

    About a week ago I posted here asking where i could buy feed online and so on and so forth. Todat sitting at the the PC and reading some articles on the plight of the small chicken farmer and so on and so forth, it occured to me. I have a bit of land at my disposal. I've been racking my head...
  19. dbjay417

    Late Christmas Present!

    Despite the massive size of my rooster, he just started crowing about 10 days ago. Today, as I was preparing their breakfast, I saw my roo do his thing for what i believe is the first time. Then he grabbed another hen a while later, and hes been chasing the others all morning!! He's an animal...
  20. dbjay417

    Head feathers!!

    I was inspecting my 4 chicks yesterday, watching them walk and checking their eyes and beaks for irregularities, and I noticed that they are starting to get feathers on their heads, thick white stubble comming through their yellowish baby fuzz. can some one help me determine the age of my...
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