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  1. CalBickieMomma

    Concern about Chick Legs Getting Caught in Incubator Grate

    Hello Chicken People! The first grade class where I work will be hatching out Serama eggs - or at least we're going to be trying to hatch them out. I think I've got everything set up properly, but my concern is when hatch day arrives, the itty bitty legs of the chicks might get caught in the...
  2. CalBickieMomma

    Question about Canker ... Again

    Hello fellow chicken people! I have a hen (3 year old Barred Rock) with what I'm 90% sure is canker. Here's what I know so far: 1.) She has some nasty, cheese-like gunk in her mouth I at first thought was wet pox. 2.) Her breath smells bad (almost like old tuna...? Hard to describe, but it is...
  3. CalBickieMomma

    Using Regurgitation Method to Clear a Partially Blocked Crop

    Hello Chicken Folk! I have an EE (almost three years old, has always been on the quiet and calm side) who has a partially blocked crop. Signs it’s a partial blockage: 1.) She was seeming slower and more subdued a week or so ago, and when I picked her up she felt lighter than normal 2.)...
  4. CalBickieMomma

    Thinking of getting a female Guinea for my boy, but I have some questions for you experts ...

    Hello wonderful Guinea folk! I have a single male Guinea (he showed up in my yard as a keet and will be three years old in June). He is in the same area as my chickens but is sectioned off because he chased them too much. I have been looking on and off for a girlfriend for him for the past...
  5. CalBickieMomma

    Hen Consistently Laying Shell-less Eggs

    Hello Chicken People, I’ve posted about my egg shell problems before, but after switching to mostly Layer Pellets (as opposed to only All Flock with oyster shell/crushed egg shells available), AND trying calcium tablets as a supplement, my Hattie is now laying eggs without any shell at all (as...
  6. CalBickieMomma

    Any advice for treating arthritis in elderly hen?

    Hello! I have an elderly (8.5 years old) Barred Rock whose legs/feet have been gradually growing stiffer and making it difficult for her to walk. A few days ago I noticed her really struggling to stand/walk. I have brought her inside and have made sure she can reach her food and water, taking...
  7. CalBickieMomma

    Help! Pullet favoring her right foot …

    Hello Chicken People, I have a young Black Sex Link pullet (about 5 months old who started laying two weeks ago) who has been favoring her right foot. I noticed it two days ago - she wasn’t quite limping but she was keeping just enough weight off of it for me to notice. I have looked at her...
  8. CalBickieMomma

    World’s Laziest Chicken …

    Meet Phoebe. She came to me as a chick - only a day or two old - when a friend ran into some people out of town claiming to have seen her mother and siblings hit by a car. Chicken whisperer that I am, I drove into town to get her. Now, another theory is they got her on a whim at a local feed...
  9. CalBickieMomma

    HELP! Hens laying soft shell/no shell eggs!

    Hello chicken people! So here’s my dilemma … I currently have two hens laying soft or shell-less eggs. I feed the flock All Flock and Feather Fixer with scratch offered every other day. I have a dish I keep full with oyster shell and clean, dried egg shells for them at all times. Just...
  10. CalBickieMomma

    Hen with swollen abdomen, labored breathing, but otherwise acting fine…

    Hello chicken people! It’s been a while since I posted on here, but alas, I once again have a chicken health issue. I have a Rhode Island Red hen, 2 years old, with some issues. Her abdomen is swollen and is a little on the firm side (it isn’t hard, but not super squishy - I can gently poke at...
  11. CalBickieMomma

    Strange behavior in my hen …

    Hello everyone! I have an EE hen - Holly - I adopted from someone else a couple years ago. A couple of weeks or so ago, I thought she had an impacted crop, so I treated her for that and discovered a pile of roundworms in her bin one morning. The entire flock got treated (I used SafeGuard and...
  12. CalBickieMomma

    The Great Soft-shelled Egg Mystery ...

    For the past few months or so, I've had at least four girls experiencing egg issues. Three of them were laying soft-shelled eggs, or even expelling the inside of the egg while the shell only made it partway out (where I would have to pull the shell free). The fourth hen just stopped laying...
  13. CalBickieMomma

    What is this White Bump on my Polish Girl’s Head?

    Hello Chicken Friends! My Polish girl, Dinah, has this bump/nodule on her forehead (kinda where her comb would be). It is kinda crusted with white material, but doesn’t seem to be bothering her. Could it be dry fowl pox or maybe just a patch of dry skin that’s been irritating her? Should I...
  14. CalBickieMomma

    HELP! Sick hen, again! Lethargy, smelly poop, puffed up, possible swollen abdomen...

    I’ve been having a run of sick hens lately (ugh), but my recent girl seems to be the worst so far. During my past few weeks of isolating a couple of them, one evacuated a clump of roundworms ( :sick ), and so I suspected this was the issue for the three I am/was concerned about (laying...
  15. CalBickieMomma

    Full crop, not laying, mostly runny droppings, but acting normal otherwise...

    Hello fellow Chicken People! My EE hen Holly has what I suspect is an impacted crop. It’s very full and when I try to massage it - I can feel pellets and hen scratch in there, but no big solid wads of anything. My chickens don’t free range so I doubt it’s grass, though she may have eaten some...
  16. CalBickieMomma

    First time worming my flock...

    Hello all! So I actually saw tiny white worms in one of my girl’s poop today (small enough I had to look very closely to confirm :sick). I purchased some Safeguard for goats (fenbendazole) a while back and FINALLY found a suggested treatment dose (3 cc/mL per gallon of water). I also watched...
  17. CalBickieMomma

    Is my Beatrix constipated or something else ...?

    Hello lovely chicken friends! My EE, Beatrix, has been a bit off the past few days. Here’s the story: 1.) Found her in the nesting box Friday evening (not like her to be in there). I sensed something was off, but couldn’t pinpoint it. She has laid soft eggs in the past, and my RIR, Eloise...
  18. CalBickieMomma

    Odd Hen - Hasn’t Molted and Lays Soft Shelled Eggs ...

    Hello everyone! I have a question about one of my RIRs. She’ll be 2 years old next month and she has yet to molt from last year. Right now, she’s a ragged mess (from when my big Buff Orpington roo was in with the flock). I removed him last March (2020) so I know she hasn’t molted since then...
  19. CalBickieMomma

    Frankie the Rescue Chick - Boy or Girl?

    Hey awesome chicken folks! So, about a month ago I became a new chicken mama (again) to an orphaned chick. The story was that the mother and siblings were hit by a car and some visitors from out of town ended up with the baby. A friend of mine ran into them and called me. When I told my...
  20. CalBickieMomma

    How do you Raise your Chickens?

    Hello Chicken People! Recently, my mom's friend was visiting and I had just acquired two young chicks. She expressed interest in getting chickens once she moved to her new location, and as I had my babies out with me, I had the thought to inform her that most people don't go to the lengths I...
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