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  1. Es_In_Miami

    Hatching at Day 25

    Day 25! 3 eggs started pipping. Two have hatched. One is still trying but has not absorbed its yolk sack. This started with a post about what to do with a delayed hatch. This portion is about the late hatching. Here's the other thread...
  2. Es_In_Miami

    Slow developing eggs?

    Long story and some commentary. This is a weird one, at least for me. I have hatched eggs about a dozen times succesfully, four with my Brinsea Maxi 24 Advanced with this being my fifth. This last batch we had a problem with the incubator, and power outages. The turning motor stopped working. I...
  3. Es_In_Miami

    Leg injury from incubator

    An incubator at the stable where my friend keeps her horses had an earlier than expected hatch. The owner uses one of the tower type egg incubators worth water bottles on lines for humidity. This means there is water the bottom. In visiting when I hear an urgent come help. My friend is...
  4. Es_In_Miami

    Has anyone used Temprid FX

    We have a terrible carpenter bee problem and are considering Temprid FX. It's active ingredients are Imidacloprid 21.0% Beta-Cyfluthrin 10.5% My concerns are about honey bees (which we don't have nearby) and how this may affect the chickens and goats. Does anyone have any experience they can...
  5. Es_In_Miami

    Big Thank You to BYC members

    This is little star. She's one of my first rescues. Little has never been of the strongest constitution. She's a little small and didn't start laying till well after she was a year old. We were sure there was something physically wrong with her. She's a good layer, not great. She is of a slight...
  6. Es_In_Miami

    Farmer's Market Egg Hatch

    These lovelies were hatched from eggs I purchased at the local farmers market. I think I have an idea as to breed but could use some insight. They hatched May 27th.
  7. Es_In_Miami

    Cute little (for now) nacked neck

    I hatched this baby from random farmer's market eggs. The person I got them from said they keep Cochin, EEs, and something else. This one looks like something else. It has clean yellow legs. Turning reddish now at 7 weeks. Any ideas?
  8. Es_In_Miami

    Sick chicken, at a loss why

    I have a 4 yo barred hen that's not doing great. She became weak, lost feathers on her abdomen and vent area. Her crest and waddles were initially red. Now 3 days later the are limp and losing color. We took her to our vet after checking for mites, parasites (obvious signs), injury, maybe she...
  9. Es_In_Miami

    Looking to breed in WNC

    If you're in the southern part of WNC or SC and have any of the following roosters, and wouldn't mind prividing stud services :) please reach out. We are in the Saluda/Tryon NC area. I have: Bantam Showgirl Silkie (soooo broody) Cream PTH Bantam Mottled Houdan I have other breeds too, but...
  10. Es_In_Miami

    Igor the rescue roo

    Can you believe how much this guy changed. I rescued him on July 10th. A little over four months later and he's a stud!
  11. Es_In_Miami

    Chicken sweaters for winter weather

    Yes or No?Let's discuss 😁
  12. Es_In_Miami

    Bantam naked neck showgirl silkie in winter

    Help! I have a lovely little bantam showgirl silkie, Bella Lugosi is her name. We are in WNC and it's getting colder. I'm worried the weather may be too cold for her. Or has she gone broody? The History: I moved my flock from Miami about 5 weeks ago. The crew consists of 15 hens and one...
  13. Es_In_Miami

    What is this? Can they be saved?

    Hey all! These are two rescue birds I've had for almost a month now. I went away for a week and returned to find this. These are 2 different birds. One is much worse than the other. They are, and have been, isolated from my flock. What is it? Can they be saved? How contagious is this? I'm not...
  14. Es_In_Miami

    What breed are we?

    Hey all! These are rescues I picked up on Monday. Can you help me with the breeds? My guesses, so far: Two buff Orpingtons, young (did not take good photo) Two black Jersey Giants, young also. They are bigger than the Orpingtons with not fully developed crests. Two enormous red hens with...
  15. Es_In_Miami

    Rescued 6 Hens from ritual slaughter

    Hey folks! I am in Miami, Florida. Yesterday I confronted a group of santeria practitioners in the process of sacrificing multiple chickens and pigeons in some messed up religious ceremony. I was too late to save 2 of the hens But we did manage to save 6 adult hens and over a dozen homing...
  16. Es_In_Miami

    Is this a splayed leg or something else

    A picked up a handful of chicks a day ago. One is a tiny showgirl silkie. When I got home I noticed she was limping. Her feet had what looked like dried feed (probably mixed with poop). I washed her feet clean. When I went to dry her I noticed her leg was stuck to her body. There was a hard...
  17. Es_In_Miami

    Trouble walking, not laying... help

    For the past few weeks one of my hens has been exhibiting signs of what I though was an injury. It started after a raccoon attack that killed my largest rooster, he was defending her against a 22.5 lb raccoon. Poor guy didn't have a chance. Bill Barred, my hen, showed signs of injury. She...
  18. Es_In_Miami

    Show me your favorite birds :)

    Sharing my youngest babies. So great to watch them grow with their distinct temperaments. Show me yours.
  19. Es_In_Miami

    Punk Rock Girl

    This is Pigeon. She's about 12 weeks old now. It has been such a erasure watching her grow. I think she a girl :). Her feathers are so bright they're almost iridescent. She's fluffy big and that tuft on her head is awesome! Add a great disposition and we have a keeper. Anyways, hope you enjoy.
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