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  1. saving grace

    Are my eggs losing enough weight?

    Hello. :) This is my first ever attempt at incubating. I'm on day 7 and 39 of 52 eggs are fertilized and growing! I'm super excited. :ya I'm using a hova bator and it's been working great for me. I'm going the dry incubation method, since without adding water my humidity was already 40%. I...
  2. saving grace

    Broody Hen with Water Belly

    Hey, so I noticed yesterday when candling the eggs beneath my EE hen that she had a large bulge near her breast. After doing some research, I'm pretty sure it's water belly (could it be anything else?) which is obviously very unfortunate. :( She's been acting completely normal for a broody...
  3. saving grace

    Incubator's Temp Alarm Won't Stop Beeping

    So, I bought a cheap HHD Chinese incubator second hand a couple years ago and I'm finally trying it out for the first time. I got it all set up and tested it for a day with great results. The temp stayed pretty steady the entire time, and there was absolutely no beeping or any issues. I put...
  4. saving grace

    Should I Treat My Whole Flock for Cocci?

    I'll make this quick. One of my 5 week old chicks suddenly became very lethargic about a week ago, she had all the classic signs of cocci. I ordered CORID but it was too late for that chick and she died a couple days later. She was locked up in a coop with her siblings and mom and none of them...
  5. saving grace

    Do Natural Chicken Remedies Really Work?

    Hello, I've had this question for a while now but something recently came up that pushed me to actually make a thread about it. I am aware this topic is extremely controversial and there's probably no easy answer, but I am very curious to hear others people's opinions on this subject. So, a...
  6. saving grace

    Help Sexing 11 Week Silkies

    First off, sorry that the images aren't better; my silkies are very skittish and don't want anything to do with me. I thought it would take a bit longer for me to be able to sex them, but I think with your guys' advice I can be pretty positive about each one. Correct me if I'm wrong! I couldn't...
  7. saving grace

    Need Advice about Hatching Egg. Day 22

    So, I don't want to get into the full story here, but long story short my broody just hatched two chicks out, but she's stopped sitting on the last egg that has pipped. I've brought the egg inside (she was rolling the egg around and stuff so I was worried for the chick) and put it in a box with...
  8. saving grace

    When Should I Integrate Chicks?

    I know there are a lot of threads discussing integration, but I thought I would just ask for advice since my situation is unique. I have two coops: the first is for my adult hens, though in the warmer months they refuse to sleep in the coop and roost in the trees at night (I've come to the...
  9. saving grace

    Satisfying Aspects of Poultry Keeping!

    I thought it would be fun to make a post for everyone to share what they find satisfying about keeping poultry! So basically, just anything that makes you smile and feel especially glad to have chickens. :celebrate A couple of things that come immediately to mind for me are: When you just...
  10. saving grace

    Broken Egg, Dead Chick: Day 19 of Incubating :(

    Hi, I just checked on my first time broody EE, and I found a broken egg in there with an almost fully developed dead chick. It's day 19, so pretty horrible and saddening. :( It had to have happened by this morning, since nothing was wrong when I checked then. I've no idea how this happened, I...
  11. saving grace

    My Horrid Cockerel to Pullet Ratio

    Just want to take a quick sec to rant about how HORRIBLE my pullet-to-cockerel ratio is! :he In my first batch of 20 hatchery chicks, only 7 were pullets (and one was eaten by a neighbor's dog. :hit) My batch of 10 hatchery ducks only had 2 hens (and one of them doesn't lay, so basically one...
  12. saving grace

    Duck Won't Bathe Anymore

    Hello, I've got another question about my Khaki Campbell hen who I've been having issues with. Here's a previous thread in which I put some of her details about her past, so I don't have to rewrite all of that...
  13. saving grace

    Letting My Khaki Campbell Hatch Chicks!

    Hello! I thought it would be fun to start a thread showing my experience with letting my Khaki Campbell hen, Rosie, hatch some Easter Egger eggs. :D She's been showing signs of broodiness for over a week now, but a few days ago started staying on the nest full time. Yesterday I put 11 EE eggs...
  14. saving grace

    Duck who Had Niacin Deficiency Won't Lay

    Hello! I've been meaning to make a thread about this for a while. My Khaki Campbell duck, who is a little over a year old now, still hasn't started laying. When she was still a duckling (can't remember how old) she got niacin deficiency, even though I was supplementing them with nutritionial...
  15. saving grace

    Bullied Hen not Laying

    Hello! My two year old Easter Egger hen hasn't begun laying yet this year, and I'm starting to wonder if she ever will. Some background on her: She's always been the bottom of the pecking order, but there is absolutely no severe bullying going on. No feather-pecking or blood injuries. She's a...
  16. saving grace

    Chickens Possible Eating Duck Eggs

    I think my chickens  may be eating all my duck eggs. :( I've only got one duck laying currently, but previously she was laying 6-7 eggs per week. She'd lay very early, and we'd always find them laying somewhere in the coop. About a week ago she layed right outside the coop door in the snow...
  17. saving grace

    Brooding Chicks and Ducklings Together

    Hello! I'm planning on getting some ducklings and chicks in April (they'll be hatched on the same day), and was wondering if anyone has experience with brooding them together. I've read different veiwpoints on the matter, some say it works, others say it's dangerous. I can definitely do two...
  18. saving grace

    When do your hens start laying again after stopping for winter?

    Hello! This is just a curiosity question. :) All my hens stopped laying in October and November and I decided not to do additional lighting this year and let the hens have a break. We get 8 ½ hours of daylight here, currently, and three of my hens just started laying again consistently. I was...
  19. saving grace

    Are Silkies a Good Fit for My Flock?

    Hello! I have some questions regarding silkies and if they would be a good fit for my flock or not. I currently have 16 chickens (5 RSL hens, 10 EE hens and one EE rooster). My plan for next spring is to add some black copper marans to the flock, cull the EE rooster (he's a whimp :hmm), and keep...
  20. saving grace

    Cats, Chickens, Nature, and Other Beautiful Things - A Photo Album

    Hello everyone! :) I love to share my photography with anyone and everyone, so I thought making my own thread here would be a good place to do just that. I don't use any professional equipment or anything, just my phone and a little basic editing, but to me, sometimes less is more. :p There's...
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