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  • Users: Disheygirl
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  1. Disheygirl

    Mucus in poop

    I have other threads about a hen I’ve had some issues with, but as far as poop goes, have you seen anything like this and how do you treat? I’ve had her on amoxicillin 250 for nine days, no improvement. Mucus like this on the board below her roost every night.
  2. Disheygirl

    Chicken Tumor in Abdomen

    I have a two year old Austra White that was acting off a few months ago. Couldn’t figure out what was wrong, treated her with everything I could think of, and she perked up (probably not because of anything I did, knowing what I know now). She started acting withdrawn and had weird poop again...
  3. Disheygirl

    Help - Can’t figure this out

    I have a two year old Austra White who started looking a little sluggish last week. Then noticed runny poop on the board. I brought her inside where she’s been for a week and have done the following so far (nothing is making a difference so I’m just trying one thing at a time): 1. Corid direct...
  4. Disheygirl

    Help - Can’t figure this out

    I have a two year old Austra White who started looking a little sluggish last week. Then noticed runny poop on the board. I brought her inside where she’s been for a week and have done the following so far (nothing is making a difference so I’m just trying one thing at a time): 1. Corid direct...
  5. Disheygirl

    Egg Yolk Peritonitis?

    My two year old Austra White looked a little less energetic yesterday and today she looks a little puffy. I don’t feel anything like an egg stuck although I didn’t go in - just palpated the outside. My whole flock has been incredibly lazy with laying this winter so her last egg was maybe four...
  6. Disheygirl

    Weird Eggs

    One of my girls - I think a 2 year old OE - has started laying some massive and weird eggs. Aside from the giant size (comparative to her normal eggs it’s 2x) it looks like something is off by the texture. Normally she lays a medium sized green egg. The last four have been bulbous, gray (not...
  7. Disheygirl

    Silverudd’s Blue Gender

    It’s probably too early, but I have two SB I’m curious about. Five weeks old, the grey is a smidge bigger, but the splash has a different tail carriage and wider feather gap on the back. No comb or waddles that screams boy on either. Anything obvious one way or the other?
  8. Disheygirl

    Ye Ole Recurring Bumblefoot

    I have been fighting ongoing bumblefoot in my Orpington - it gets better, scab disappears, then weeks later, a limp, scab is back. Draw it out, try to dig it out, soak in epsom or hibecleans (sp), Vetricyn (sp), neosporin, gauze, vet wrap, etc., rinse repeat. Can never get a plug - always soft...
  9. Disheygirl

    Egg Shape Change

    I have a two year old Barred Rock who always laid normal-shaped eggs. She took a break this winter and is laying again, but they’re all long and thin now. Shell is normal, but the shape is really weird. They are on layer feed with free choice egg shell. Limited snacks - mealworms, some veggies...
  10. Disheygirl

    How long until grass is chem free?

    Anyone have experience using a lawn care company (e.g. chemicals) and then stopping said service so your chickens can be on the grass? We used the service on our front yard last year - last treatment was Sept, but I’m done with chemicals. Just letting things grow as they grow and I want to start...
  11. Disheygirl

    Hen’s toe almost cut off

    I went to the coop to make sure everybody was in, and found one of my girls on the roost with a big pool of blood under her, holding her leg up, and blood on her stomach. It was all from her toe but it was a lot. Got her inside and put her in a Epsom salt bath - the picture isn’t great and...
  12. Disheygirl

    Heartgard for Dogs

    Has anyone noticed that Heartgard for dogs - ivermectin - is six times more expensive than the horse ivermectin (regardless of brand)? Looks like my dogs will be eating the paste!
  13. Disheygirl


    I have a draft-free coop with ventilation above their heads. Even put some of those chicken coop heat plates by their roosting bars on the wall when it was in the negatives. My two Austra Whites didn’t fare so well - this one is the worse of the two, and maybe because she kind of a loner /...
  14. Disheygirl

    Megan Thee Chicken’s Hurt Leg

    I noticed one of my girls was laying around a lot today, so I nudged her up this afternoon and she’s got a pretty bad limp. Doesn’t want to put weight on the leg and will hold it up when she‘s standing. I brought her inside - don’t see any scabs, cuts, or red spots, and her upper leg feels...
  15. Disheygirl

    Molting and Lost Place in Flock

    I have a girl who was middle of the flock who just about lost all of her feathers. It was getting chilly so I brought her inside for two nights. During the day, I’d put her back out, but she would run directly into the coop and not come out - ever. Her energy has changed - at first she acted...
  16. Disheygirl


    I have an Austra White who is about nine months old. She’s been doing the broody behavior for the past two weeks where she ruffles her feathers, buffs her neck feathers up if others get too close, runs around with her tail straight in the air is constantly chatting. But she doesn’t sit on a nest...
  17. Disheygirl

    Sick Chicken?

    The other day I posted about my chicken who laid an egg in the middle of the grass. That same chicken laid a soft shelled egg the day after, and nothing since. The days are getting shorter, though, so that's not unusual (the soft shelled egg and laying in the middle of the grass is). When I...
  18. Disheygirl

    Random Story

    Every day at about the same time, I let my girls out into a small grass pen for about 30 minutes while I sit with them. Today, ten minutes after going out, one of them suddenly started sitting almost vertical and making a weird “bop” noise and straining a bit. I thought “sh*t she’s egg bound” -...
  19. Disheygirl

    Ratty Tail Feathers

    My year old Austra White has ratty tail feathers…the pictures don’t do it justice because she won’t hold still so I have to take video and then screen shot, but it looks like someone teased them. The other white bird is also an Austra White with more splash and her tail is what this one’s used...
  20. Disheygirl

    Healthy Snacks = Biggest Health Problems?

    Looking for the experts to weigh in. What are the things you'd think people overfeed the most, which can also cause the biggest health issues? Example: someone feeds their 14 hen flock a balanced layer feed with free choice calcium. For treats each day, they get a total of a cup of grub...
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