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  • Users: Sammster
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Sammster

    Kady and Laney

    Laney has started jumping up to visit when I sit on the swing. It's the sweetest thing, ever. RIRs aren't particularly personable, so this was a pleasant surprise. I'm loving this new gesture. Perhaps she remembers my rocking her in the swing last summer, while I massaged her impacted crop...
  2. Sammster

    What gender?

    This chick is now 7 weeks and 3 days old. It is a little bit "beefier" than the others. I'm told it is a Mystic Maran. Do you see any hints that it might be a cockerel?
  3. Sammster

    Looking to Confirm Genders

    I'm thinking all 4 chicks are pullets, but not sure. Would love some additional opinions. These chicks are 5 weeks and 5 days old.
  4. Sammster

    Would you say this is Bumble Foot?

    This smallish, hard lump between her toes doesn't seem to hurt. She's walking fine. Should I intervene? There seems to be no "center pimple" or scab.
  5. Sammster

    Run-Pen Addition

    I'm currently brooding 4 pullets to add to our flock. We bought an addition for the run - but the weather has been uncooperative, in recent weeks. Today, we finally got it started. The original run is 10x10 proper, with probably 8 Sq ft extra under the original pre-fab coop, which you can't see...
  6. Sammster

    Run/Pen roofing material

    I'm trying to decide on roofing material for the chicken run. We are adding to our existing, pre-fab run, which has a tarp-style roof. The addition does not come with a cover. Ideally, I'd like to cover the whole run, extention and all, in one roof. Initially, I considered PVC panels, but...
  7. Sammster

    I'd like to introduce you

    to our new chicks-in-residence! You'll see that one is labeled, so far. I think it's the right one - I'd have to look on her underside to be certain. She has a pink mark on her tummy, per the hatchery, to indicate that she is a sapphire sky. She looks so much like the others. My neighbor asked...
  8. Sammster

    Just re-joined facebook

    I left Facebook for 2 1/2 years (before I found this group), and recently re-joined, because all of my glassworking groups and several tutorials are there, and not accessible, elsewhere. I whittled my friends list down to bare essentials. Glass people, golden retriever people, immediate family...
  9. Sammster

    Chickem math 😁

    So - I put in an order for 4 spring pullets. 😁 1 each: Americana, Olive Egger, Sapphire Sky and Mystic Maran. I ordered a pen-extention for the run, and we will be making some other improvement on existing accommodations. I'd like to add to their chunnel, too. But that will have to wait until...
  10. Sammster

    Happy Valentine’s Day

  11. Sammster

  12. Sammster

    Storing canning jars

    Not sure I'm in the right area. There was a discussion on storing canning jars so that they aren't stacked. I can't find the thread. Does anyone remember where it is?
  13. Sammster

    This arrives, tomorrow

    I ordered this poster a few days ago. I'll need to run to Hobby Lobby for a frame. This will go in my otherwise, old fashioned bathroom. You know... just for ****s and giggles 😁
  14. Sammster

    Diving back into my hobby

    So it's been... probably 2 1/2 years since I've worked with glass. Mostly, I fuse. Sometimes I mosaic. Maybe one day, I'll do leading. I also tole paint, on occasion. Glass is an extremely "space-hogging" hobby. We have a small home, and I needed to make one of my spare rooms into a space for my...
  15. Sammster

    Can I feed this to my chickens?

    I brought in a sugar pumpkin that was not fully ripe, to allow it to ripen, indoors. But, I've discovered that it has a small, soft spot, and know it won't last. Can I give this under-ripe pumpkin to my girls, as a treat?
  16. Sammster

    Eggshells and sunshine

    I've been digging into member's posts on weak egg shells, and browsing articles on the internet ~ and decided I could be part of the problem with our weak egg shell issue. My girls are mostly confined to a covered run, and earlier this summer I put up shade cloth, to help keep them cool. It did...
  17. Sammster

    Adorable Coasters

    Crochet is something I never took up. But aren't these too cute? I might just have to adapt them to glass coasters ♡
  18. Sammster

    Freeze drying the harvest

    I don't have large gardens, like many of you do. We're in the burbs. Which kind of makes freeze drying ideal. Not many of my veggies produce enough at any given time to warrant canning (yet - I'm working on that), but you can always fill a freeze dryer tray! My freeze dryer has 4 trays, so I can...
  19. Sammster

    These huge eggs

    So ~ this has been happening, lately. Can't even fit them into an egg carton. Just one of my girls
  20. Sammster

    These odd eggs

    Here is an egg I've been getting regularly. Small, with a dark, circular pigment at the pointed end ~ which is also roughly-textured and thin. I don't know who is laying these. I wish I could be sure, so I would know who to give calcium to. What might be causing these odd eggs? Several forms of...
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