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  • Users: aliris
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  1. A

    Oh my, what on earth have I gotten us all into???

    Hi all - seems this is a whole new world to learn about. I have a nearly 4yo buff orpington who goes broody all the time, and is so right now. It's really hard to break her so I decided to see what she could do, purchasing 7 eggs yesterday. And now - yikes, I realize I know _nothing_ about...
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    blood trickling from vent - this can't be good...

    Hi - 5yo Rhode Island Red - she hasn't laid much for a good 2 years, when I give her calcium pills as suggested here, she used to lay sometimes sporadically but not for a good while. I've witnessed several no-shell and soft-shell eggs. Her tail end really droops and lots of gooky ick on the...
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    3yo RIR, egg problems? liver dz?

    Hi everyone - I'm trying to learn and read. It's hard to know what to dig into though on this gargantuan site! I'm concerned about a nearly-3yo Rhode Island Red. She's laid few eggs for several months now, since 2 of 4 of her flock died (perhaps earlier though). The ones she lays have very thin...
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    OMG this integrating is going to be a thing too, isn't it?!

    Well, I have had chickens for a few years now, but things have only recently "happened". And so now, suddenly, I realize there is so, so, so much to know.... Sorry to be annoying, obviously many here understand that what you know is prodigious. But how much I don't know is just beginning to...
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    Wry neck, how to know if this is a one-way slide?

    A second chicken of a flock of four is sick. The first seemed perhaps at first to have a sour or impacted crop; she died. There is a long thread about that. But when I finished attending to her, I realized her best mate in the flock was walking in tight circles. Oh no. Things have gone downhill...
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    3yo araucana - I guess "sour crop" sounds right???

    Sorry - I have chickens but zero idea what to do or even how to diagnosis when things go wrong. And - y'all are so knowledgeable and prolific I'm actualy finding it a little hard to figure out here where to go for this. Bottom line - I have a lethargic, miserable little araucana. She's usually...
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    Can anyone identify this chicken breed please?

    Thanks for your thoughts! (it's feral and someone else was asking).
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    How long to restarting the eggs after broody?

    Hi folks - I am so ignorant about all of this I appreciate the wisdom. I looked for this topic but cannot seem to find it, I'm grateful to study more if someone can point me to what I'm missing! I have a buff orpington who just loves to go broody. No rooster. She's so determined, it's almost...
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    Questions about squatting

    Does squatting have various meanings? Recently my hens (1.5yo, starting their second year of laying) have become more willing to be petted and I notice two of them will often squat at my feet - they seem actually to want to be petted. This is new, they used to hate being touched, period. Then...
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    Scabs on crest -- Patient survived but now...

    My "Trigo" survived a possum attack and the gashes inside of her have actually healed however... her comb was growing paler even while she seemed more or less back to normal behaviorally. And now I see these scabs on her comb. Which has also shrink considerably in size I see looking back at...
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    Gored by a possum

    I have a 1.5 yo Rhode Island Red that was gored 5 days ago by a possum. She's good at hiding the wounds and my husband didn't notice how badly she is injured. Though I may have made her worse by trying to clean her up yesterday (when I returned from out of town). Attached is a picture of the...
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    Yikes - Advice needed about hurt chicken....

    A possum got at my flock of four. My husband rescued one from underneath a possum and thought the chicken was ok but... when I returned home 3.5 days later I am discovering she's walking about with literal holes in her sides. ¿Should I do anything? ¿Is there anything to be done? If she's...
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    Egg shell: pulverized or crackled?

    Hi - I've always just crackled up the eggs' shells we use and feed em back. They seem to disappear, more or less. But I noticed recently someone actually using a food processor to pulverize them and add the powder to the feed. Is this necessary? Maybe... answered as a function of whether you've...
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    Mussel shell shards

    I have a half dozen mussel shells and not a lot of calcium around. I figured I could smash these up and feed them to the girls but... the shards appear awfully sharp. There was an _eww_ thread on here about someone's crop actually having a gash in it. Could these sharp mussel shells actually put...
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    Hi folks from WLA!

    Hey everyone! I'm finally dragging myself into your community. We have 4 year-plus hens, our second crop. The first were "rescue chickens" and in very poor health. They were sweet and possibly very old and died after a year or so ... we spent a year in mourning, then purchased four babies and...
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