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  1. TX Chick Noob

    Bumblefoot? Broken toe? Something else?

    I have a two-year-old Welsummer, Speedy, with a swollen toe joint. She seems to be getting around on it fine. It is pretty hard, and doesn’t seem to be discolored or have any heat in it. I’m not sure if I should try to treat it with something or just leave it alone and keep an eye on it. Here...
  2. TX Chick Noob

    Is this scaly leg mites?

    A few of my girls seem to have some slightly raised scales on their legs. Are scaly mites the only thing that would cause this? I have 11 hens that are about 18 months old. Here is a pic of the one that looks the worst. There are two others that have a few spots that barely look raised, and...
  3. TX Chick Noob

    Wyandotte - Help with colors please

    Got 4 chicks that are supposed to be blue laced Wyandottes. Supposedly blue laced gold but could be blue laced red. And of course I have heard blue can turn out to be black or splash. Any early guesses on what these turn out to be? Also curious about how different the pattern is on the head of...
  4. TX Chick Noob

    Hen with infected earlobe, looks similar to bumblefoot

    I have a Welsummer hen that is just over a year old. I noticed today she has one earlobe that is swollen, and the back side has a round white dot that seems almost like a plug. It looks a lot like pictures of bumblefoot I have seen. I’m not sure how to treat it. It would be hard to bandage in...
  5. TX Chick Noob

    Is this fowl pox?

    NOTE: See updated post a little farther down in thread. My girls frequently have little scabs on their combs from pecking each other. But today I noticed they looked different/bigger on one of them. So I did a little research and I am worried it is fowl pox. Will post some pics below. She is...
  6. TX Chick Noob

    Should I try to pull the roots of plucked/pecked feathers?

    One of my hens was being a bully and pecking the butt feathers of all the others. I have been using a combination of blukote and Pick-no-more to stope her, and I believe it has greatly diminished. Some of them have regrown some feathers, but others are still almost naked. Should I try to pull...
  7. TX Chick Noob

    Missing feathers near vent

    I have been housebound for almost a month due to a broken leg that required surgery. DH has been feeding the chickens and gathering the eggs. After my doctor appointment today he helped me get to the coop to visit them for a little while. I noticed several of them looked a little scraggly on...
  8. TX Chick Noob

    Frostbite or something else?

    Sorry to post yet another frostbite thread, but even after reading several other threads and articles I am not sure if that is what some of my pullets have. A few have large white areas on their combs. Wattles all seem ok. They are 8 months old, some are ISA Brown, some are OE or some other...
  9. TX Chick Noob

    FINALLY at 32 weeks old…

    My Welsummer Speedy finally laid an egg. So now all my pullets are laying.
  10. TX Chick Noob

    Helping a friend identify pullets

    A friend of ours bought 3 chicks from TSC earlier this year. His kids chose them at random, and some were in mixed breed bins. We are trying to identify them. I think one is a light brama, and one a buff pro, but not sure. And the third one I have no idea. What do y’all think? Light Brama...
  11. TX Chick Noob

    BYC Team Ice Cream

    Craving some mint chocolate chip or tin roof sundae. What’s your favorite flavor?
  12. TX Chick Noob

    Honey to make sugar water?

    Can I use honey instead of sugar to make sugar water? My husband is diabetic so I do t have any sugar in the house because I rarely use it. But I do have some local honey. How much per cup of water? @azygous @Wyorp Rock @casportpony
  13. TX Chick Noob

    Impacted crop question

    I was able to get out early enough today to do a general crop/condition check of my girls. One of my 23 week old ISA Browns has a hard lump in her crop, around golf ball size. I am chilling some coconut oil to give her, but wanted to confirm I need to crate her to restrict food access. Should I...
  14. TX Chick Noob

    Such GOOD llamas 💜

    Just had to share this picture of our llamas in their “guard the coop” positions. Almost any time we go out during the night or very early in the morning this is what we see. They didn’t used to do this before we had the chickens. One or the other would occasionally lay on the mats in front of...
  15. TX Chick Noob

    Is she broody??

    One of my 21 week old pullets is "growling/screeching" in the nest box this morning. She is also crammed in with another pullet. She does this even when all other nest boxes are empty, and it isn't always the same one occupant or nest. Lol Anyway, is this how one acts when they are starting to...
  16. TX Chick Noob

    Ongoing coop improvements

    It seems never-ending that we find things we need to fix or improve on our coop. Most recent was two more concrete "curbs" around the inside perimeter. We had poured a 4" wide x 4" thick slab at the base of the two corrugated tin walls of our coop. The idea was to fill some gaps at the base of...
  17. TX Chick Noob

    First egg, unknown hen and unexpected color

    Someone laid their first egg yesterday or today. I almost didn't spot it, because it was on the concrete "curb" we poured under the feeders and had rolled under a 2x4 rail that is part of the coop frame. I don't know who laid it, camera doesn't cover that section and none of the pullets who...
  18. TX Chick Noob

    Trying to crow??

    Trying to figure out if my Welsummer "pullet" is actually a cockerel and is trying to crow, or thinks she is a peacock. She is about 15 weeks old, and has been doing this for a week or two. Because she is so young and is definitely not top hen (she is younger than all my others and I see her...
  19. TX Chick Noob

    White spots on earlobes

    I know that chickens can have red or white earlobes, but I am pretty sure the chickens I am asking about have red ones. I have noticed that several of my chickens have white spots/splotches on their earlobes. Is this normal or something to be concerned about? I haven't seen any other sign of...
  20. TX Chick Noob

    Is it safe to write on egg with a Sharpie?

    Here's my question. Is it safe to write on an eggshell with a sharpie permanent marker and then eat it later? I wanted to label the eggs I have started getting them with date and pullet's name if I know who it was, and keep them for a few weeks to compare later eggs. Thanks!
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