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  1. Ocho 8 Farm

    True Ameracauna or not?

    Hello! I spent a good amount of money on some hatching eggs that were supposed to be true Ameracaunas but I’m wondering if I was scammed… I did purchase eggs from the same person 5ish months ago and everything was fine. I got some Ameracaunas. But this time I am questioning it. I’m posting...
  2. Ocho 8 Farm

    TSC bantam bin “Guess what breed” 7 week old… what is it??

    7-8 weeks ago I got some bantams from TSC mixed bantam bin. I know what the others are but I have no clue what this little one is. I think it’s a pullet but I can’t say that with certainty as I have no idea on the breed. Any help is greatly appreciated!!
  3. Ocho 8 Farm

    Bantam cochin sex on 7 week olds

    I’m not too familiar with bantam Cochins so it’s a little difficult for me to pinpoint who is what gender. Any one out there with experience please help. Thanks!
  4. Ocho 8 Farm

    Elector PSP question

    While doing a spring coop cleanup I discovered some of my girls have mites. I want to treat all 3 of my coops but one of them has 4 broody silkies in it. They are on day 12-14. With it hurt the developing embryos if I spray down the coop, nest boxes and mamas? I planned to move the girls to some...
  5. Ocho 8 Farm

    Help needed… impacted ESOPHAGUS

    Hello! My hen has what I think is an impacted esophagus. Not her crop but esophagus. It is swollen and hard but her crop is empty. She is drinking water but not eating anything other than a few pecks of grass here and there. This has been going on for a few days and she’s really starting to...
  6. Ocho 8 Farm

    What about this hen/roo cross…

    What would I get from a buff laced polish hen, crossed with a crested cream leg bar roo?
  7. Ocho 8 Farm

    Cream legbar roo over barred rk hen will off spring be auto sexing?

    Is it possible for this combination to produce auto sexing chicks? Also, what about same roo over buff orps and buff Brahma hens?
  8. Ocho 8 Farm

    Learning Chicken Genetics

    Hey ya’ll! I’m really interested in learning about poultry genetics. I see there are some VERY knowledgeable people on this site sooo, can someone point me in the right direction? I’m looking for some books and websites to learn from. If anyone on here would tell the best book they read, or the...
  9. Ocho 8 Farm

    Advice needed on what to do about integrating a pullet

    I have a bit of a conundrum … I was given 3 chicks from a friend in march when they were 3 weeks old. Well 2 have turned out to be roos. I already have a roo and I have someone who will take the 2 new boys. However they don’t want the female and i really do want her but she is very attached to...
  10. Ocho 8 Farm

    Baby chicks intestinal shed, coccidiosis, sour crop??

    I have 15 chicks in my brooder, they are a week old today and I have been getting poops with a bloody tinge. Can anyone confirm what I’m dealing with here. Today is day 2 of seeing this. Thanks !
  11. Ocho 8 Farm

    Do you think these eggs are fertilized

    I’m hoping to hatch my own eggs but I’m having trouble identifying if these eggs are fertilized. What do you think ?
  12. Ocho 8 Farm

    Silkie roo or pullet

    I have a friend who is in the process of cutting down her numbers of her silkie flocks. I was in need of a rooster so I bought 2 from her. One is about a year old and the other is about 6 months. The younger one doesn’t have me convinced he is in fact a he. It hasn’t crowed, it hasn’t laid an...
  13. Ocho 8 Farm

    Jumbo eggs and double yolks

    Hey y’all ! I have a Sapphire Gem girl who is 23 weeks old, she’s been laying eggs since Christmas eve. I get about 5 eggs per week from her. But 2-3 times per week she will lay a JUMBO size egg, and so far 4 of those eggs have been double yokers! After she lays one of these jumbo eggs she is...
  14. Ocho 8 Farm

    Fermented feed ??!!?

    Should I? Just chicken scratch in water ? Pls educate me! 🙏🏻
  15. Ocho 8 Farm

    Pullet or cockerel ISA Brown

    Can someone tell me if this is a pullet or a cockerel ? It’s 8 weeks old today. Also, it was supposed to be a Buff Orpington but I’m pretty sure it’s an ISA Brown (Both breeds were in the same brooder and my 2 others are definitely Buffs) I’m new to chickens so if you can identify the sex...
  16. Ocho 8 Farm

    Ahhh I hope it’s not a roo!! Help!

    I have 4 Ameraucana “hens” that were hatched on 7/7 making them about 14 weeks old. I was told all were female but this morning at 6:15 I heard a creepy weird sound from my chicken coop. I was about yo leave for work but grabbed my flashlight to investigate. When I got to the coop only one...
  17. Ocho 8 Farm

    What breed is your favorite in your flock?

    I was wondering what breed of chicken is your favorite one in your flock? By favorite I mean who is always looking for cuddles or just eager to see you, who lays eggs most consistently and who gets along with others…. I want a diverse flock but I want my flock to be friendly. I see them more as...
  18. Ocho 8 Farm

    Hello everyone!

    I’m new to chickens but I’m loving it! We moved from Chicago to Atlanta for my husband’s job and bought a house with a large yard. I’m finally able to get a little farm started. I have 12 chickens, 4 goats, 3 cats and 1 dog. I’m looking forward to learning all sorts of stuff from y’all!
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