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  1. Charlotteandfriends

    Trying to make a chicken broody! Help!

    Hey again guys! I'm looking to hatch out some more blue Cochin chicks. I'm trying to encourage one of my blue Cochins to go broody and hatch out some babies for me! She has already gone broody once so she knows what she's doing. And also, it's summer time here in Florida, so I know it's about...
  2. Charlotteandfriends

    Update on Rods head!

    Hey there everyone! Just wanted to give an update on sweet little rods head! He struggled lots with bulling and head picking... I ended up separating him from the flock to let me heal and he is doing so great! Thank you to everyone who gave advice!! ( First picture is before and the second one...
  3. Charlotteandfriends

    Should I use different waterers?

    Hey guys! I have 15 chickens (Two roos and 13 hens.) and I was wondering if their was a better option for watering my flock. I use the typical 5 qt. chicken waterers from tractor supply but I just don't feel like they are getting enough water from them. I have three that I use for all 15 of...
  4. Charlotteandfriends

    Help! Chickens stopped laying!

    Hello again everyone! I have 15 chickens (Two roos and 13 hens.) and they stopped laying! I live in Florida and it is summer time so I don't think it is a matter of day lengths or temperature. They free range on days that I am home and when I'm not, they have a long tunnel that leads to a second...
  5. Charlotteandfriends

    HELP! Polish Rooster Head Needs Help!

    Hey everyone. I have a sweet little polish rooster (Named Rod Stewart.) and he is constantly having problems with his head. The hens constantly pick at his sweet little head and i'm not sure what to do to stop it. I bought this chicken lotion that is supposed to taste bad to stop the pecking but...
  6. Charlotteandfriends

    VENT GLEET???? help!

    Hello everybody! I have an Americana chicken and I think she might have vent gleet... She does isolate herself in the coop during the day but I take her out to be with everybody and eat lots of yummy grass but it just bothers me. I want to get it taken care of as soon as possible but I'm not so...
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