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  1. getreal

    water additive for mites?

    I haven't found an answer anywhere. Sorry if this is the wrong forum. Is there any medication that can be added to water to kill mites sold in the US? Everything I found is not shipped to the US. I've tried every other thing, dust, drops, etc. I need something effective. I'm disabled and cannot...
  2. getreal

    Not eating their grit

    About a week
  3. getreal

    Not eating their grit

    I have a rooster in a cage right now, was infested with mites. He's eating great now, he's very, very thin. I'm giving him regular pellets. chick starter, scratch, sunflower seeds. Anything I can think of to put some weight on him. I've been giving him extras, broccoli, pumpkin puree, a few...
  4. getreal

    haven't found an answer, bathe after a permethrin dip?

    I have done all that already and treated all the other birds. Rooster is in the house right now. Giving him some extra nutrients and tlc.
  5. getreal

    haven't found an answer, bathe after a permethrin dip?

    I had to dip my rooster with permethrin. Loaded with mites. It's been a bad year! My question is, do I bathe him after a few days or just leave it alone? I searched for an answer but couldn't find anything on a follow up. thanks
  6. getreal

    Average loss

    I’m sorry if posting in the wrong forum. Wasn’t sure where it fits. I have a question for the seasoned poultry keepers. On average what is a normal bird loss per year?
  7. getreal

    Name the eggs! Choose your baby to root for!

    Number 17 name Nay-nay
  8. getreal

    Is feed enough?

    I am wondering is there enough vitamins and minerals in store feed? I have been reading about all these deficiencies and wondering if I should be supplementing with something. I do put vitamins in their water occasionally. Any thoughts?
  9. getreal

    Who knits?!

    if you can find a pattern or possibly find one online I can make these for you.
  10. getreal

    labored breathing

    I had a young hen around 9 months old, I bought her as a chick from L&M supply, her symptoms were anemia, weight loss, and panting or labored breathing, ruffled feathers. All the articles I've read talk about eye bubbles and mucus. She didn't have that. She would drink water but couldn't get her...
  11. getreal

    no eggs

    Kingsford is about 45 miles from me. It is beautiful here but the winters are so long and cold! I was born and raised here. Live on the farm I grew up on.
  12. getreal

    no eggs

  13. getreal

    no eggs

    My barred rock passed away. No I don’t have Mareks.
  14. getreal

    no eggs

    No I don’t free range. Too many predators. My birds range from 4 months old to 6 years. I have silkies, salmons, olive eggers and every thing in between! 😊 I have 17 hens and 3 roosters. I keep telling my husband it’s the lighting but he doesn’t believe me. I said if you want to turn the lights...
  15. getreal

    no eggs

    Done with molting and there is always oyster shells available. My son bought me a skeleton chicken and I think I might put it out there to let them see what’s going to happen if they don’t get to work! Slackers! 😂
  16. getreal

    no eggs

    I tried search but couldn't an answer. None of my hens have laid an egg for months. I'm clueless as to why. During the winter we turn the lights on in thee morning for them. I live in the u.p. of MI and our winters are pretty dreary, not much sunshine. In spring when the sun is nice and bright...
  17. getreal

    Corid Pellets

    I'm sorry if this topic has been asked. I couldn't find it. I found Corid pellets at tsc today. Can these be added to feed pellets as a preventative? There are approximately 5,670 mg of amprolium in every 1 lb of CORID 1.25% Pellets
  18. getreal

    Coccidiosis question

    you're lucky to have so many vets in the area. we have two vets, one only dogs and cats and the other does farm calls but doesn't have any knowledge in poultry. I guess they think poultry is expendable. That's sad!
  19. getreal

    Several days & no egg, should I be concerned?

    my girls haven't laid all summer. I actually had to buy eggs last week! Slackers!!
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