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  1. TillyPeeps

    What did you do in the garden today?

    This remind me when I was picking raspberries for chicken snacks and had the entire flock supervising my job. NOT even a single chicken bothered to pick a berry from the bush herself! Yet they beat each other to get the raspberries from my hand. Raspberry season is coming soon and I hope my new...
  2. TillyPeeps

    Looking to buy a few ducks or ducklings in Bucks County, PA

    Do you mean Bucks County, PA? If so, dheltzel is close to you and he may have so ducklings.
  3. TillyPeeps

    I was given three Rhode Island Red “Hens” one looks different. Is “she” a RIR?

    Both are red-sexlink, not RIR at all. They are RIR mix and better egg layers, but usually have lots of heath issues when they turn two year old.
  4. TillyPeeps

    What did you do in the garden today?

    You can buy 40% vinegar and spray it on the weeds. It will kill all the weeds, although it doesn't last too long. I usually spray around my electrical fence 3 times per year.
  5. TillyPeeps

    Hen or Roo - Black Copper Maran

    At this point, I would say girl. Marans usually have big combs. My splash Maran hen had large pink comb at 5w old. I was debating about her gender until she laid an egg.
  6. TillyPeeps

    What is, in your opinion, the friendliest chicken breed?

    Agree. My silkie chick is the most flighty chick I've ever had. All her brooder mates are friendly, but not her! In this batch, the two Swedish flower hens are extremely calm and friendly and both love to cuddle, so does the Buckeye chick. Other cuddlers I have/had include: Maran, Dorking, and...
  7. TillyPeeps

    Dewormers For My Flock With Tapeworm?

    That's what I used for tapeworm (confirmed by necropsy) before. It worked well, but it's hard to get the dosage correct because the paste is not very runny.
  8. TillyPeeps

    Anyone know what breed she is?

    My blue Ameraucana from Meyer matches the breed standard.
  9. TillyPeeps

    Anyone know what breed she is?

    She doesn't have the fluffy cheek and her body shape is too round for a standard ameraucana. Also, an ameraucana has a fan tail shape. Here's the Meyer blue Ameraucana:
  10. TillyPeeps

    Anyone know what breed she is?

    No, she's not. I had a blue ameraucana from Meyer, and she looks completely different. Meyer has blue EE, so she might be one.
  11. TillyPeeps

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I finally found a way to stop raccoons from digging my gardens: neem oil! I saw some brown rot on my cherry tree leaves, so I sprayed them with neem oil. While I was spraying, the strong smell made me think it might deter raccoons too. So I spray around my gardens. The next three mornings, no...
  12. TillyPeeps

    We had 1 straight run chick... and pretty sure this is a Roo!?

    Yeah, large pink comb and slow feather development indicate it's a cockerel.
  13. TillyPeeps

    What did you do in the garden today?

    The same thing happened to me last year. All my tomato plants except one yellow pear were killed. Some of them were rare types I was trying. I had to buy some common tomato plants from TSC and Lowes. Hope yours' will survive.
  14. TillyPeeps

    Not laying

    Some chickens will have spring/summer molting, especially if she didn't have a molt during winter.
  15. TillyPeeps

    Hen losing weight, not eating

    Yeah, unfortunately, cancer is extremely common in laying hens. She doesn't seem to have any infection. If deworming not work, cancer would be the most likely reason.
  16. TillyPeeps

    Doughy Crop Question

    You can try to give her stool softener docusate sodium. one pill a day for two days. When my hen has impacted crop and massaging didn't work, this usually would help her bowel movement and then got the blockage moving out of her digestion system.
  17. TillyPeeps

    Pullet crowing???

    You are luckier than my friend who bought 7 "sexed ameraucana pullets" at TSC and got 4 EE roos and 3 EE hens. That's why I would never get any chickens from TSC.
  18. TillyPeeps

    2-3 wk old baby chick died in 12 hrs. Others acting the same, URGENT HELP !!!!

    No, it's not Marek's. Marek's usually starts at an older age (at least 10 week old) and is very rare for younger chicks. You may want to treat for coccidiosis with Corid. Medicated chick feed doesn't have enough dosage to treat coccidiosis outbreak. Also check your feed to see if it's moldy...
  19. TillyPeeps

    Crop help please!

    The food is fine. I even don't wet it, since my girl doesn't like her chick feed wet. The crumbles will not clog her digestion system. No, you shouldn't stop giving her food/water. Food/water intake will help her digestion system moving.
  20. TillyPeeps

    Crop help please!

    I would suggest you try corid in water first. If crop massaging and Corid didn't do the trick, then start docusate sodium for 2 days.
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