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  1. K

    Any signs of roos?

    Here are my newest flock additions! They are around 8 weeks old. I’ve been watching for signs of any roos, (all 8 were marked pullets, but one never knows if a boy or two may have snuck into the mix!) but so far I don’t feel like I’m seeing any?! No saddle or hackle feathers that I’m seeing, and...
  2. K

    Emergency - hen vomiting liquid!

    This is Ginger. Pretty much every time I’ve gone out to visit today, this is what she looks like. Just standing there, head tucked and tail down. 😭
  3. K

    Emergency - hen vomiting liquid!

    You’re actually the second person that has mentioned the possibility of cancer. I’ve tried to put that option out of my head because I just don’t want to believe it! 🥺 Thanks for the info. I’ll check on her tomorrow morning, but I’m really thinking it’s not a crop issue. Her crop has been...
  4. K

    Emergency - hen vomiting liquid!

    I just watched her poop and a VERY small amount came out… like, a pea-sized amount. Not sure if that’s relevant, but I thought it was odd!!
  5. K

    Emergency - hen vomiting liquid!

    Posting again about a sick chicken that’s been sick for about a month. Went to the vet, got dewormer and antibiotics. She was on those for 5 days and then she seemed better. Then about 3-4 weeks later her tail was down again, she stopped laying again, and she seemed somewhat “out of it” a lot of...
  6. K

    Please help!

    I’m wondering about the aloe detox. I’ve seen that sometimes people order it online, but can I make my own? I have several aloe Vera plants.
  7. K

    Please help!

    The vet was very nice, but also in a bit of a hurry… he had a horse emergency at a farm to go to, so I didn’t get a ton of info. *He didn’t really tell me what he as giving the antibiotic for. *He did not do a fecal float test, but to be fair, there was no poop in the kennel I brought her...
  8. K

    Please help!

    I suppose she might be breathing normal… she’s just sitting on my lap, so it looks a little strange because her whole body is moving when she breathes, but it might just look odd because my girls aren’t usually this still! Her breathing doesn’t SOUND labored.
  9. K

    Please help!

    It kind of seems like her breathing is a little labored… or just heavy? I was trying to post a video, but maybe I can’t post videos?
  10. K

    Please help!

    I’m pretty sure the only thing coming out is diarrhea. All the feathers under her tail are a mess… 😳 Plus, her tail is pointed down most of the time, and she mostly lays around or stands in one spot in a daze. Pretty much exactly like she was a month ago. 🥺
  11. K

    Please help!

    I have a hen that I took to the vet about a month ago that we treated for worms. She was on an antibiotic and what I believe is the equivalent to safeguard for 5 days. She seemed great after treatment, so back into the coop she went! Now I’m noticing that she’s starting to act funny again, and...
  12. K

    Deworming medicine?

    I can’t seem to find valbazen on Amazon - is that something I’ll need to get from a farm store? I found the safeguard, so I can probably just get that, but I was reading something that said I should rotate different dewormers so they don’t build up immunity to them - use A in the spring, B in...
  13. K

    Deworming medicine?

    A fecal wasn’t really an option because I was there for about 30 minutes, and she didn’t go the the bathroom at all. She was pretty sick and really not eating or drinking. He even put her down on the floor to see how she acted, and she just crouched down and didn’t move for probably 10 minutes...
  14. K

    Deworming medicine?

    He did not do a fecal test on her, but he was confident after examining her that parasites were the problem. Yesterday was day 3 of 5 on the medicine, and I’m happy to report that she seems MUCH better!!! Tail is up, no more lethargy, and she’s making noise, eating, and drinking again!! So, if...
  15. K

    Deworming medicine?

    I have a sick girl. I thought it was coccidia, but just got back from the vet, and he is pretty sure it’s a parasite. He gave me panacur and an antibiotic. He said I could bring a fecal sample from a few of my other hens, and they could test if the whole flock needed to be dewormed. So, I’m...
  16. K

    Swollen toe

    I noticed several days ago that one of my hens had a swollen toe. The nail looked like it was packed with mud, but when I looked a little closer, I realized it was actually her nail that was big and rough and black! I soaked it in warm Epsom salt water, let it air dry, and then wrapped it in...
  17. K

    How and when should we integrate?

    Here are some more pictures. I haven't measured the run, but I feel like it's quite a bit bigger than it looks in the pictures. They all seem to be quite happy there, and I have no issues with anyone not getting along! I've thought about trying to put the babies in somewhere during the day -...
  18. K

    How and when should we integrate?

    I got 5 baby pullets at tractor supply 2 weeks ago. They’re currently residing in a bin out on my all-season sun porch, but frankly, they’re really stinking up the place!! I also have 14 hens that are about 23 weeks old, most of which have started laying or are getting close! So, I’m wondering...
  19. K

    Getting really frustrated!!! :/

    About 21 weeks ago, I purchased 8 straight run bantam silkies from Tractor Supply. Now, I know that when you buy several straight run chicks, you're probably going to end up with SOME roos, but here's what's happened: I lost one chick within the first couple days of purchasing, so, down to 7...
  20. K


    I have this beautiful roo, which I’m not allowed to have in my area, and he’s getting increasingly noisy. Therefore, as much as it pains me, I need to get rid of him. I still don’t know for sure what breed he is, however, which I would like to know for whoever takes him off my hands. I THINK he...
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