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  1. KathiQuacks

    Raising baby ducklings

    Bragg Nutritional Yeast (yes, with the cheesy flavor!) is a great one! :)
  2. KathiQuacks

    My African Grey!

    Not sure why I’ve never posted here. Hello! I’m Kathi, and I own an African Grey :) Her name’s Ruby, and she’s about 11 years old. Some of her favorite activities include, 1. Attacking sticks / tin foil 2. Shredding cardboard 3. Exploring on and under furniture 4. Hanging upside down, and most...
  3. KathiQuacks

    Our first call duck incubation adventure (hatch-a-long)

    That’s alright. I expect you’ll see some pipping tomorrow :)
  4. KathiQuacks

    My 2nd Duck Hatch!

    Maybe crunch some of it up to be smaller like the crumble?
  5. KathiQuacks

    What kind of ducks did I get?

    Yep, I agree, Khaki Campbells, and gorgeous ones! ❤️ I’d say they’re a couple days old, a week at most.
  6. KathiQuacks

    Safety Hole? Concerns

    At the moment, intervention isn’t needed. I’m quite liking where baby is at right now. If his behavior changes, but there’s still no progress, let us know / post a new video of it.
  7. KathiQuacks

    Safety Hole? Concerns

    Yep, about to say the same thing. That pecking is actually chewing, and is a sign baby isn’t ready to hatch just yet :)
  8. KathiQuacks

    Please, show me your ducks

    @Papaye This isn’t exactly what you asked for, but I found this while scrolling through photos I took of my ducks a few months ago! My duck Banana with the white flight feathers stretching. Might have to check and see if there’s more like this I’ve forgotten about. I’m still trying to get a...
  9. KathiQuacks

    Safety Hole? Concerns

    Tapping and pecking aren’t really what it looks like when a baby is trying to pip.. so I’m guessing baby is still okay for now. Pipping attempts, you should see baby move back, push against the shell, and then wait a little while before trying again. I’ve also heard distressed calls from babies...
  10. KathiQuacks

    Safety Hole? Concerns

    What do you mean by pecking exactly? Like, you hear a clicking sound? Chewing motions? Or you can see baby trying to pip when you candle?
  11. KathiQuacks

    Safety Hole? Concerns

    When pipping, ducklings will push / whack their bills against the shell. If he’s just sitting there, I’m guessing he’s resting and still absorbing everything. As long as he can breathe, it’s fine to wait and see if he’ll make more progress. Hasn’t it only been 18 - 19 hours?
  12. KathiQuacks

    What breed of duck will go broody the most?

    Could you post a photo of this egg? If the safety hole is small enough, it won’t cause shrink wrapping. How long ago did you make the safety hole?
  13. KathiQuacks

    Raising baby ducklings

    What feed are you providing them? Generally, you only need to add additional niacin while they’re growing, or for about 8 weeks. Some hefty breeds, like Pekins, may need a sprinkle of extra niacin for their entire lives / a high-niacin feed.
  14. KathiQuacks

    Drake or hen?

    No, the curly tail feather / drake feather is one of the latest indication of sex and won’t appear until ~13 weeks. You can, however, voice-sex ducklings reliably at 4 weeks, potentially now at 3 weeks. Hens should’ve started / should start their voice change soon and make a peep-honking...
  15. KathiQuacks

    Muscovy duck questions

    White is a good option, but not necessary, no. The sex-linked trait comes from the khaki / chocolate drake.
  16. KathiQuacks

    Muscovy duck questions

    The drake has to be khaki or chocolate. The hen any color but khaki or chocolate. Those pairings would work.
  17. KathiQuacks

    Raising baby ducklings

    They DO need niacin for their legs, it’s just that Purina has enough niacin in their feed already for most ducklings / ducks. If you need to add niacin, Nutritional / Brewers yeast is great. 1 tbsp per cup of feed.
  18. KathiQuacks

    Safety Hole? Concerns

    Oh, fantastic! For every pip, I reset the clock and wait at least 24 hours all over again. You may not need to assist at all :)
  19. KathiQuacks

    Please help with call duckling genders!

    Possibly. The 8 - 10 weeks really refers to drake voices. Hens can get a subtle voice change as early as 10 days, I’ve found, but are more reliable by 4 weeks. If you could upload a video of their voices to YouTube and link it here, that’d be great!
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