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  1. P

    Garden shed

    The tarp or some extra roof is a good idea. One of my birds prefers to sit on the ground under the over hang of a shed instead of going inside his bachelor pad. Even in rain, snow, or hail. My current new crop prefers being under a big bush.
  2. P

    Official BYC Poll: Do you use electrolytes in your chickens' water during the summer?

    My chickens are outside and get what they need from drinking from puddles. Yes, they have fresh clear water from my well, but I guess it doesn't taste as good.
  3. P

    Garden shed

    Our coop years ago was built so it fit directly over a bale of straw, plus 2 feet for the entrance. DH would just lift the coop up off the bale of straw and place it over another bale of straw. They only slept in there or laid eggs in the nests that hung over the side. Very simple, easy...
  4. P

    Before I rebuild, what would yall do differently?

    Someone on this forum made little hats for the chickens with large combs. Sewed, I think, not knit or crocheted. Too cute. Prevention being the key, next time get birds with small combs and wattles. I now have a big Brahma and his comb and wattles are fine after our recent winter, even...
  5. P

    Why are my birds dying

    Years ago I never lost a chick. Now, I have been loosing them. Like you, just about 10%. I have been told a 10% loss is normal. I think the chicks and ducklings we are getting are not as well bred and some are just not healthy enough to survive. That being said, after loosing a few this year...
  6. P

    Economics, expansion of cottage industry

    Right. You could breed your own. Maybe do a search for most flavorful chicken breed. Sell three different breeds, labelling each as such. When you see what people prefer, which I am sure the customers will tell the store staff, you can focus on one or two breeds.
  7. P

    Trespassing neighbor with dog chasing chickens

    You need to keep your chickens confined so they can't walk onto your driveway and run down the street. I agree that is not a good neighbor, but you have to do your part.
  8. P

    Thunderstorm Behavior ⛈️

    When anyone gets scared they enter one of three zones: fight, flight, freeze. Your chickens went into freeze. If they are feathered the rain should just roll off. Next time they will probably run to the coop.
  9. P

    1 having trouble using ramp

    Put a perch right next to the ramp.
  10. P

    dog bite reassurance please - help save lil Peep

    Emergen C, I don't know. I have capsules and I can break them open. I also have powdered buffered C for the dogs.
  11. P

    dog bite reassurance please - help save lil Peep

    The Frankincense stops the bleeding. I should have worded it differently.
  12. P

    What chicken parts do you give to your dogs?

    My working border collie, on predator raw, lived to 16.5 years at which time a put him down. My vet said he was the oldest BC she'd seen, most don't live past 14. I feed my rescue/foster dogs raw also and have seen sickly dogs get better real fast. I do not cook the organ meat, just hand it...
  13. P

    Economics, expansion of cottage industry

    I would ask how many birds they wanted per week. You will want to raise your birds to be of age only so many at a time. Also, I think I would not breed CX because that is what everybody sells. A tastier breed would be better. We found that were RIR were much better than our CX, but took...
  14. P

    Chickens are too hot at night in their coop!!

    I would not do this because the summers here are muggy. You could set a bowl of ice in front of the fan so it blows air over the ice. This will also add moisture into the air, but being you are in a desert that is probably not a bad thing.
  15. P

    dog bite reassurance please - help save lil Peep

    The reason an injured bird seems calm is because they are shock. I keep lavender essential oil on hand. I would have put a drop at each damage site. I also have frankincense essential oil, which I have found stops the bleeding of a puncture wound. Vitamin C will aid with healing and...
  16. P

    goat milk been giving to chickens but figured i should ask if i should continue

    I occasionally feed mine kefir. I am planning on feeding my 3 week old Freedom Ranger chicks kefir every day. It is better for them than milk because it has 32 +/- good things including live probiotics. They love it. It is super easy to make. You get the "grains" from someone and put them...
  17. P

    Craigslist: FREE HUGE DOG HOUSE

    It's not available. She said they went and picked it up.
  18. P

    6 week old chick feathers pulled out

    Take a good look at her bald areas. Look for mites and lice, anything that doesn't belong there.
  19. P

    Suggestions for newborn chick treats??

    Yes, the corn meal, quinoa, chia is a meal. As a treat you can give them kefir. They love it and it is full of probiotics, much more than yogurt. It is not an everyday meal sort of thing.
  20. P

    Is this snake in my coop harmful

    If the head is smaller at the nose than at the jaw, it is poisonous. That snake looks big enough to eat an egg, but not a grown chicken, though those eggs look pretty big. Go to your and look for the DNR or similar. Somewhere you should be able to find the snakes living in your...
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