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  1. S

    Emergency, chicken having trouble breathing!

    I should also add that after she died, she passed a goopy/eggy poop that had a good amount of blood in it. The egg I could get since she'd been laying yolks with dried up soft shells, but I'm not sure about the blood...
  2. S

    Emergency, chicken having trouble breathing!

    The one that passed (Mille) was a Starlight Green Egger. The other one having laying issues (Bloom) is a Rhode Island Red. They are just turning 2 in June though, so it's not as if they're even a few years old... Unfortunately no, I live in California and OTC stuff has been banned for a long...
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    Emergency, chicken having trouble breathing!

    Unfortunately she didn't make it. I think she drowned in whatever liquid was coming out of her mouth... I'm absolutely devastated. But I have 9 others, one of which has also been having similar laying problems recently, so if anyone has any ideas what might have caused this, please let me...
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    Emergency, chicken having trouble breathing!

    Emergency, please help! My 2 year old chicken has been acting off (standing around, wings drooping, not eating/drinking) all day, but things seem to have taken a turn for the worse. When I went to check on her just now, her eyes were closed and she seemed to be struggling to breathe. Her...
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    Help - chicken limping and laying shell-less eggs!

    Is there any way to test for either of those?
  6. S

    Help - chicken limping and laying shell-less eggs!

    Update: Mille, the chicken who has been laying wrinkled eggs, was not lethargic today and seemed to be acting normally. I dosed her with Valbazen last night and Zimectrin Gold the night before. I didn't notice any worms in her poop after the Zimectrin Gold, but I did notice what looked like a...
  7. S

    Help - chicken limping and laying shell-less eggs!

    I feed them Purina Layena. They get a bit of Grubblies and BOSS to help coax them back into their run after free ranging in the morning and evening (respectively). They periodically also get vegetables, Greek yogurt, and eggs. They tend to eat a lot of grass while free ranging. I haven't...
  8. S

    What is this worm?

    Well, that makes it easy. Thanks!
  9. S

    Help - chicken limping and laying shell-less eggs!

    Something is going around my flock and I could use some advice. I have two chickens who have been laying shell-less or wrinkled eggs and just generally seeming below par. They have access to oyster shell at all times, so I'm not confident it's a calcium issue. I brought one inside yesterday...
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    What is this worm?

    Thank you! Do you know if Wazine or Valbazen is more effective/recommended?
  11. S

    What is this worm?

    I found this worm on the ground while scooping up poop in the chicken run this afternoon. It was very small, about the length of a fingernail and was still moving when I found it. Can anyone identify what it is and how best to treat it? I have a few chickens acting off and laying shell-less...
  12. S

    Pale, Mucusy Blobs in Poop

    I'm not sure which chicken is having these poops, but I suspect it might be one who has had a lot of laying problems. She's only about 2 years old, but she stopped laying a little less than a year ago after laying a lot of fairy eggs and shell-less eggs. She acts totally normal and her comb is...
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    Pale, Mucusy Blobs in Poop

    Hey everyone, recently I've noticed some whitish yellowish, mucus-like blobs in some of my chickens' poop. It always comes out looking like a blob, but when I cut it open, it turns somewhat stringy. It looks a bit like shed intestinal lining, but completely pale instead of pink or red. I've...
  14. S

    Blood in feather shaft - normal or mites?

    One seemed old and brown (though I don't know when she shed the feather, so it could've been sitting a bit). But the blood on the other two was still red. So I assume recent?
  15. S

    Blood in feather shaft - normal or mites?

    Hey everyone, I have a hen who's going through a late molt right now. I noticed a few of the tail/wing feathers she's shedding have had blood inside the shaft. She's not the only hen I've seen this in, but she's had the most obvious blood "deposits." Is this normal with molting? Or could it be a...
  16. S

    Lingering malaise after sour crop

    Thanks! I gave her some probiotics in her water during and after treatment, but I'll pick up some Greek yogurt and try amping it up a bit more and see if anything changes. Any ideas on how to stimulate her appetite? She used to get excited for treats at least but now all she seems to want to...
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    Lingering malaise after sour crop

    Hey everyone! First, please forgive the length. It's been a bit of a complicated, drawn out situation and I want to get all the details across because I'm at a bit of a loss. The problem started back in October/November when I noticed that one of my one year old hens had been having very...
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    Possible Sour Crop - Unsure How to Proceed

    Hey everyone! I'm concerned about one of my year old hens. For the past few weeks she's been having very watery, small, unnaturally green poops (pictured here). It took me a while to figure out which hen was having these droppings because until just a few days ago, she'd been acting fairly...
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    Difficult bumblefoot - how to proceed?

    The problem I think is that the plugs/blisters are too small to get anything out of and the kernels aren't directly underneath them. When I tried to open the hole up a bit on one foot, it started bleeding a lot so I got spooked and has now blistered over again. Is making an actual incision the...
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    Difficult bumblefoot - how to proceed?

    Hello everyone, I was hoping to get your input. I've been treating a couple of my chickens for bumblefoot with foot swelling and I've run into a bit of a wall, with no clear idea on how to proceed. I've been doing nightly soaks in warm Epsom salt water, spraying with Vetericyn, applying...
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