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  1. South Dakota Guy

    Prescott Chicken Ranch

    Welcome Carol and Herb! While I live in South Dakota now, I grew up in Texas and you didn't talk about the chicken ranch in polite society. That is before the musical and movie came out!
  2. South Dakota Guy

    Why do my chickens holler and scream so much?

    Wow, what an old thread you found! Security cameras are pretty inexpensive. I bought my wife a couple of solar powered ones on Amazon for about $90 each. She has one in the coop and one in the run. They both switch to night vision when it gets dark and you can make the light come on which is...
  3. South Dakota Guy

    HELP! My chicken won't stop attacking the new chickens!

    The original post was made in 2017 by someone who only posted 5 messages in that time frame. It isn't likely we will hear back from them. My wife and I went through something similar last year. Bleeding chickens with no feathers on their rumps. It took a toll on my wife. After about 8 months...
  4. South Dakota Guy

    City Issued a Citation and claims we aren’t allowed to have chickens due to neighbor’s complaint. What are my options?

    My unsolicited 2 cents is this: Try to understand your neighbor's point of view. I don't want a neighbor who is noisy, smelly and possibly unsanitary. Do what you can to mitigate your impact on her quality of life. Try to get to know her. Walk over and introduce yourself, bring a carton of...
  5. South Dakota Guy

    Our new baby chicks

    Thanks! My wife raised some from chicks last year and she really enjoyed the whole process. Ok, maybe not the wiping of pasty butts. It's interesting watching their coloring change as their feathers come in. I have heard tell that when it comes to silver laced Wyandotte hens, the more show...
  6. South Dakota Guy

    Our new baby chicks

    My just picked up a dozen female silver laced Wyandotte chicks from the post office last night. My wife and father-in-law think that they look like tarantulas. I think they look more like bumble bees. Now just image the incessant peeping from 12 chicks in our downstairs family room!
  7. South Dakota Guy

    Dahline Poultry

    My wife decided she wants to have an all silver laced Wyandotte flock so she placed an order for 10 female silver laced chicks from a small Minnesota Hatchery. located in Willmar Minnesota, named Dahline Poultry. We have never ordered from them before. The hatchery is about 3 hours away each...
  8. South Dakota Guy

    Are all Orpingtons friendly?

    We had only one of our 6 hens laying so we gave them some sardines. Two days later, 4 of them began to lay and by the end of the week all of them were laying. Sardines are packed full of readily accessible protein. The bones don't cause a problem, they are soft, and they add calcium to the...
  9. South Dakota Guy

    Are all Orpingtons friendly?

    Sorry that I missed your reply and thanks for your response. My wife picked up 4 female sexed silver laced Wyandotte chicks from a farm store that gets their chicks from Hoover Hatchery. One turned out to be male , and one of the three pullets grew up to have a single comb instead of the rose...
  10. South Dakota Guy

    How to get chickens from run to coop before night fall?

    In the beginning, you can use a light, like one of those under cabinet lights with sticky tape that runs on batteries. After a few nights, the chickens should go into the coop without any light when it starts to get dark outside. Just stick the light inside of the coop in a place that is...
  11. South Dakota Guy

    Are all Orpingtons friendly?

    I would like to hear of your experience with Hoover hatchery. The reason I ask is that Hoover is the closest Hatchery to where I live, Tractor Supply and Runnings farm stores locally all get their chicks from Hoover.
  12. South Dakota Guy

    One Hen Laying in the Evening - Flock is Eating the Egg. Please help 🙏

    We ordered some leg bands and put them on our Delaware chickens. They all look alike. I put a security camera in the coop (and one in the run). My wife has the camera set to alert her phone when there is activity in the coop so she can see who lays and when among other things. As a side...
  13. South Dakota Guy

    Let this be a lesson to me to check my messages more often than twice a year. Belated thank you!

    Let this be a lesson to me to check my messages more often than twice a year. Belated thank you!
  14. South Dakota Guy

    Sorry for the late reply, I seldom get messages. I am in the Sioux Falls area, Brandon to be exact.

    Sorry for the late reply, I seldom get messages. I am in the Sioux Falls area, Brandon to be exact.
  15. South Dakota Guy

    Thank you! She was/is beautiful. Unfortunately, she and her two gold laced Wyandotte partners...

    Thank you! She was/is beautiful. Unfortunately, she and her two gold laced Wyandotte partners in crime were such mean girls that we rehomed the three of them to an organic produce farm that uses chickens for pest control. We got tired of patching up bleeding birds not to mention all of the...
  16. South Dakota Guy

    One Hen Laying in the Evening - Flock is Eating the Egg. Please help 🙏

    My experience is that it takes our birds about 26 hours between each egg, so our chickens lay about 2 hours later everyday than they did the day before. It is likely different birds laying your 6 o'clock eggs.
  17. South Dakota Guy

    My story of finding and building the best heater

    My wife figured a way around that one. She gives our hens Kalmbach Hen House Reserve 17% protein layer feed as scratch. It is a mix of whole grains and small pellets and a few black sunflower seed mixed in. The birds think it's a treat. Win-Win!
  18. South Dakota Guy

    My story of finding and building the best heater

    Politics- check, religion-check, roost bars or roosting beams- check, heating chicken coops- check. Just adding to my list of conversations to be wary of, lol
  19. South Dakota Guy

    My story of finding and building the best heater

    After the long hot summer of last year, I considered putting a window air conditioner in the coop. Many of those also have a heat setting and sometimes you can pick up a small one cheap at Walmart. You might get laughed at, but you will have peace of mind. You will see definitely see your...
  20. South Dakota Guy

    My story of finding and building the best heater

    Thank you! I have spent a lifetime doing electrical and mechanical repairs and service, which does give me some insight. The choice to heat a coop or not is a personal one. Much like the round roost bars vs 2x4s debate. Some people choose not to heat and some do. When it gets to 10 degrees...
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