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  1. C

    Help! My chicken has sour crop

    He has no poo I'm afraid. I'll send photos of him. He is 3 years old and we feed him chicken food.
  2. C

    Help! My chicken has sour crop

    #sourcrop #illchicken #help #advice
  3. C

    Help! My chicken has sour crop

    What is the best way to cure sour crop. He is still not well after 3ish days and sits down most of he time. Tried to give him yogurt and apple cider vinegar but he barely eats it. Very thirsty though
  4. C

    Help! My chicken has sour crop

    Also, we have been making him sick the last 2 days, but there is a lot of it and it is bright green and stinks, is this a bad thing? And should I take him to the vet
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    Help! My chicken has sour crop

    Thank you very much! It's a he. But as far as I can see not very much pooing... If he does then wet and sloppy. His crop is very puffy most of the time unless we hold his head down and stroke his crop bottom to top to make him sick. He has had a load to drink, yesterday, he drank for a good few...
  6. C

    Help! My chicken has sour crop

    Hi. My chicken hasn't seen very well yesterday and today found out that it might be sour crop. We really want to get our chicken through this, any expert opinions????
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    Is my duck dead or alive? It has a black tail

    Ok, thank you ☹️ but what is this black tail?
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    I'm new! My post on my duck eggs Xxx
  9. C

    I'm new!

    Hey! I've joined this website in hope for help. I've taken in abandoned duck eggs in our garden but have no experience and am not sure if they are alive. I really hope some more experienced people know what's what 🫶 I also have 7 beautiful chickens, 5 rooster and 2 hens 😂 we have 2 silkies...
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    Is my duck dead or alive? It has a black tail

    Hi. A duck came to nest in our garden a while ago. She was very camouflaged and didnt know she was there for a long time. Sadly she abandoned the nest, we left the eggs outside for about 2 days hoping she'd return but didn't, so we've taken them in. I've recently been incubating the eggs and...
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