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  1. C

    No Eggs

    That’s kind of what we figured. They all eat Kalambach organic mixed flock crumbles, free access to oyster shell, and a fair amount of greens. She seems back to her old self, so hopefully the stress is receding.
  2. C

    No Eggs

    Hello All, We have a mixed flock of chickens and ducks, about a week and a half ago our male duck started going after one of our chickens. We got everyone separated and no major injuries occurred. Our hen was a very consistent daily, brow egg layer. She laid two very small and almost white eggs...
  3. C

    Looking Ragged

    Thanks for the help! Really appreciate the advice here.
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    Looking Ragged

    It is just on one side, she may, they are usually shuffling around a bunch by the time we head in, but I can keep my eye on that to see.
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    Looking Ragged

    No rooster, forgot to mention that.
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    Looking Ragged

    We have a mixed flock of chickens and ducks, so they all eat Kalmbach 20% Flock Maker crumbles supplemented with oyster shells for calcium and greens for treats.
  7. C

    Looking Ragged

    Hi All, We noticed a couple days ago that one of our girls is looking a bit ragged. She’s got some bald patches on her wing and breast and we can’t seem to figure out why. She is still laying and doesn’t seem ill, but wanted to ask the group. She’s not a year yet, so seems too young for a molt...
  8. C

    Feather Question

    Hi All, We have some Cayuga that are about 3 months old now and up till now they’ve all had very smooth feathers. Today we noticed their feathers are looking a bit more ragged. No other signs or symptoms we’ve noticed and they all seem happy as can be, just a bit ragged. Anything the group...
  9. C

    Sick Duckling

    Thanks for all the advice and help everyone. Still not sure what the issue was, but seems like our little duckling has turned the corner for the better!
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    Sick Duckling

    Tried to add a video of the swallowing thing but not able to upload to this site. Best description is when they drink water and swallow rapidly multiple times only this happens just randomly without water. Still doesn’t want to eat by itself, but does drink and will take some small pieces of...
  11. C

    Sick Duckling

    Thank you so much. They are on shavings and definitely like to have a rummage through. They get grit, but that just started about 1.5 weeks ago with a little sprinkled on their food. I was able to get it to eat a little whole grain bread, I know it’s duck junk food, but a vet friend said it may...
  12. C

    Sick Duckling

    It is certainly possible. I cant really tell, do you have any tricks for that? The little one is still alive this morning and looks to maybe have eaten a bit. Still seems lethargic but no worse I’d say.
  13. C

    Sick Duckling

    Update, we’ve move from white poop to only pooping water. It also seems to be trying to swallow a lot but with no food.
  14. C

    Sick Duckling

    Hi all, I am new to this forum and have a sick duckling. I could really use some help with. I have a three 4 1/2 week old Cayuga ducks that up until today have been doing very well. When I went out this morning. One of the ducklings was acting lethargic and seemed off. I went back out a little...
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