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  1. LTAY1946

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Good peeps my meds are working and it's that time once again. I'm off until I'm back on.
  2. LTAY1946

    Granny's gone and done it again

    She died in 2020 during Covid. She couldn't take being shut up in a room and not allowed to at least walk the aisles some in the nursing home here she was. She would have been a 100 a few months later on 6/17/21.
  3. LTAY1946

    Granny's gone and done it again

    It just occurred to me that there are a lot of people who don't have much if any of their garden planted yet and in 20 days we will have the longest daylight day of the year this side of the equator.
  4. LTAY1946

    Granny's gone and done it again

    A few years ago my mom was staying with us and we fixed her up with a room and fridge with anything she wanted. She always thought we had something better in ours and at the time I did have a special meal plan because of an A1c that was getting out of hand. I stopped on the way home one night...
  5. LTAY1946

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I had a great treat for dessert after supper tonight. A nice wedge of Pina Colada cake. Home made. First time ever. Boy is it good. Pineapple and coconut in the same cake has got to be good.
  6. LTAY1946

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Then tell him if he does it one more time and it will be your turn to do something and he will not like it. Don't tell him what just tell him to wait and see because you want it to be a surprise. ..... Start keeping a little container of some kind of ice water in the fridge where he can see it.....
  7. LTAY1946

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I just looked at the hourly forecast for tomorrow again. Every time I look the chance for rain diminishes. By daybreak we may have a sunshine filled day.
  8. LTAY1946

    Granny's gone and done it again

    The new pet chick is fostering Honey's kids.
  9. LTAY1946

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I had a short nap. I think about 45 min power nap. Wanted to stay down but so much to get done in the next few days and weeks there was no way to enjoy any more down time.
  10. LTAY1946

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Didn't get a lot done today but what we did get done was important. About a 4 week old chick took up with me today. I picked it up and no matter where I put it down it would come right back to me and look up at me. It got to be a game with it so I brought it in and put it with some not a lot...
  11. LTAY1946

    Granny's gone and done it again

    The next time Robert does that jump back and pretend to have a heart attack and faint. Scare the wits out of him and tell him turn about is fair play. That's what he gets for scaring you. :)
  12. LTAY1946

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Good afternoon Granny Land. Time for us to start the afternoon chores. Got a treat for Honey are her roommate. Some wild blackberries that spoiled in the fridge. BBL
  13. LTAY1946

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Hello, I'm heading off for a nap.
  14. LTAY1946

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I had some chicken salad on a keto wrap. Actually 2 of them as the wraps are the smallest sized ones. Made a trip into town and got the low dose aspirin I'm out of. Saw a new formula of Melatonin that's supposed to stop the 3a.m. wake ups. Going to try it tonight. It's been a long time since...
  15. LTAY1946

    Granny's gone and done it again

    We got some needed rain. Enough to keep what is growing now growing and enough to get yesterday's planting up and growing. Much more promised for tomorrow.
  16. LTAY1946

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I had millions in MO but none in AL.
  17. LTAY1946

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I have no wild dandelions on the farm and they are such good treats for the girls.
  18. LTAY1946

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Well I guess I will try and grab a few more Z's. Still have tired leftover from yesterday.
  19. LTAY1946

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I've found a place to buy dandelion seed. Need to order some and plant them around where the chickens get to roam about during the day.
  20. LTAY1946

    Granny's gone and done it again

    Think I'll finish my nap. Can't work in the gardens in the rain. Yes it's raining and going to get heavier if the radar is right. BBL.
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