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  1. RoyalChick

    Tried frozen water bottle to break broodyness

    I put one in. Sylvie. She has spent two nights on a nest. I haven’t put the second one in with her yet as I don’t think the second one has fully made up her mind. Here is Sylvie in her jail.
  2. RoyalChick

    Tried frozen water bottle to break broodyness

    Thanks. Tomorrow it is! I was too tired this evening to set up the feed and water but I will do it first thing and then pop her in. One of her comrades is beginning to consider being broody so I may be dealing with both of them.
  3. RoyalChick

    Tried frozen water bottle to break broodyness

    I tried the frozen bottle and frozen Tupperware and it got me nowhere. Then I tried blocking access to the nest boxes but then I had a riot on my hands from the other hens. So I copied @aart's set up (thank you for sharing that) and it worked. I had one day-release failure, but then another 24...
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