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  1. NatJ

    Things you wish you could say

    Autosomal would not be the right word. Autosomes are all the chromosomes that are not sex chromosomes. In chickens, that is everything except ZW. In humans, everything that is not XY. I assume you are referring to the human Y chromosome. There probably is another word for it, but I don't know...
  2. NatJ

    Things you wish you could say

    True enough. I was mostly trying to make an example of how people can be descended from "one woman" without being descended ONLY from that woman. It happens that I do have a cousin who shares a great-grandmother with me through a line of just women. My understanding is, if you follow the...
  3. NatJ

    Things you wish you could say

    Even if everyone is descended from one particular woman, it may not tell much about how many other people were alive at the time. For example: I am descended from my great grandmother. I have a cousin who is descended from the same great grandmother. But we each have 3 other great grandmothers...
  4. NatJ

    Things you wish you could say

    Was there supposed to be a link in this bit?
  5. NatJ

    Things you wish you could say

    Have a snack at 4pm, and post a note on your bedroom door?
  6. NatJ

    Things you wish you could say

    I don't like to see wrong information about what is safe vs. dangerous for chickens to eat, but I've got no problem with people choosing to avoid things that they just don't want to eat (or let their chickens eat.) As a picky eater myself, I figure as long as everyone ends up healthy and happy...
  7. NatJ

    Things you wish you could say

    I know about that talk. I usually ignore it :) By the time I saw the internet wisdom about what not to feed chickens, I already had years of experience feeding them most kinds of table scraps and garden weeds, and I knew I could trust the chickens to pick through and eat what is safe for them...
  8. NatJ

    Things you wish you could say

    I've never seen it hurt me or a chicken :confused:
  9. NatJ

    Things you wish you could say

    That's sad. No chickens to appreciate that "wonderful" food the person doesn't want to eat :(
  10. NatJ

    Things you wish you could say

    I've done similar things, more times than I like to count. Did your chickens appreciate the rest of the bagel? I've never seen a chicken complain about something like that!
  11. NatJ

    Things you wish you could say

    "And I couldn't be bothered to actually read the thread, so maybe some nice person will read it for me and say whether the answer really was in there somewhere." :rolleyes: On very rare occasions, the original poster is still around and really does update the thread! :eek:
  12. NatJ

    Things you wish you could say

    It took me about three read-throughs to get it, so I thought someone else might be having trouble too :idunno I agree with that about earthworm lifestyle.
  13. NatJ

    Things you wish you could say

    Earthworms that live in the country have a longer lifespan than ones that live in the city (according to whatever source is in the screenshot.) I think it's related to the bit about whether someone would be wiling to eat a rat or mouse, and whether ones from the country would be more appetizing...
  14. NatJ

    Things you wish you could say

    If that was the coldest weather Mark Twain ever experienced, I'm thinking he did not travel to any place that I would consider actually cold! Or else he was just exaggerating to make a point (given what else he wrote, I think that is pretty likely.) As for whether it is ever warm: that depends...
  15. NatJ

    Things you wish you could say

    Cream of Tartar (acid) + Baking Soda (base) = Baking Powder It's something like 1/4 tsp of baking soda, 1/2 tsp cream of tartar, 1/4 tsp cornstarch, to make 1 tsp baking powder. I don't think the cornstarch is really needed for the chemical reaction of acid + base, but it seems to be present in...
  16. NatJ

    Things you wish you could say

    Is that what the sun did this morning? I would usually say "the sun rises," or "the sun rose this morning."
  17. NatJ

    Things you wish you could say

    That's OK. I'll be happy to eat them for you :)
  18. NatJ

    Things you wish you could say

    I don't think it's worth specifically bringing up with the mods. Personally, I don't see it as being a big deal either way-- newbies usually miss lots of information that is obvious to people who have been here for a while (like the date a thread was posted, which might be 10 years ago). I...
  19. NatJ

    Things you wish you could say

    I'm not sure the badges would help a new member very much. To me, the one for "Premium Feather Member" is more obvious than the ones for "BYC Friend" (and Spirit and Educator and so forth). But anyone can be a Premium Feather Member just by paying for it, so it is not at all a good indicator...
  20. NatJ

    Things you wish you could say

    Not all shells are the same. We are used to thinking of oyster shells as a good calcium source for chickens. But not all shells are the same as oyster shells. Shrimp shells have a fair bit of protein (at least as compared with oyster shells.) They have about as much protein as they do calcium...
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