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  1. Sequel

    What did you make from your garden today?

    That’s amazing!
  2. Sequel

    What did you make from your garden today?

    Actually I do too! :gig I’ve heard the older we get the more we like or tolerate bitter things. I’ll give some a try. My Croatian uncle ate dandelion salad almost every day. I’ll have to ask my aunt about that.
  3. Sequel

    What did you make from your garden today?

    What did they taste like? I’ve always thought they were bitter. I believe they were brought to the new world as food plants.
  4. Sequel

    What did you make from your garden today?

    I meant to put a :gig On that post! It’s true though, I have it come back every year!
  5. Sequel

    What did you make from your garden today?

    And if you let some go to seed you will have what my neighbor Bernie calls “self propelled” chard.
  6. Sequel

    What did you make from your garden today?

    Omg! That sounds amazing!
  7. Sequel

    What did you make from your garden today?

    I wish I was having lunch there too! Homemade egg rolls!!!! That would be the best thing I ever ate! :drool
  8. Sequel

    What did you make from your garden today?

    I made bean soup with smoked pork shank. The beans are from the garden and they are so yummy! I never thought I’d be l getting so excited about dry beans! 😆
  9. Sequel

    What did you make from your garden today?

    I think they wrap the plants with cardboard or something to keep the light off so they lighten in color and the flavor mellows. I mean I vaguely know what to do but not when to do it. Too many garden jobs all needing done at the same time.
  10. Sequel

    What did you make from your garden today?

    I found celery starts last spring so I planted them and they did well, they’re still doing well but I need to learn about blanching the stalks. The plants are leafy and beautiful but the stalks are quite woody and tough. I’ve been using the tops but still buying celery to have some to eat.
  11. Sequel

    What did you make from your garden today?

    I love that one skillet dinner! I make some similar ones. When adding rice to it we call it buggeroff because my Aussie friend tasted it and said “Bugger me drunk, that’s better than stroganoff!” :gig
  12. Sequel

    What did you make from your garden today?

    :drool That looks yummy!!!!
  13. Sequel

    What did you make from your garden today?

    I steamed half a cabbage from the garden. Sprinkled slap ya mama seasoning on it along with butter. Served with leftover cold salmon and baked a potato we dug last week. It sounds so plain but it was really good!
  14. Sequel

    What did you make from your garden today?

    I will end up with shelled dry beans for sure. We’ve had them for several years and they are so good! I forgot to ask at the hardware store about getting the gauge checked. They used to know a lot about that stuff.
  15. Sequel

    What did you make from your garden today?

    That sounds promising! I dug out my old presto 21-b pressure canner yesterday. I’ve ordered a new gasket and fuse thing for it, but I may test it today just for fun. It is really old but well made And it’s still supported. I just have so many green beans it’s ridiculous! And we just don’t like...
  16. Sequel

    What did you make from your garden today?

    Yes but they still want you to add a little acid.
  17. Sequel

    What did you make from your garden today?

    There are many ways to make it but we like it with beef soup bones.
  18. Sequel

    What did you make from your garden today?

    I saw the pic of those beets!!!! I’m happy for you, I love borscht but the wild rabbits ate my beets! :rant There was one big one I cooked anyhow. Those few bites sure were good!:gigi
  19. Sequel

    What did you make from your garden today?

    I think I’ll try some bok choy when my onions come out.
  20. Sequel

    What did you make from your garden today?

    Ooh it all sounds so good! The last time I tried to grow bok choy the flea beetles made hash of them. I buy it a lot I should try it again.
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