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  1. NanaK

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Just a show of dominance. I have a hen that will do this if I do not have a rooster with them. She takes over as head hen. Wow! They are growing!
  2. NanaK

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Hard for me to see. Sometimes the first pip is a tiny crack then they open it up more. Most seem to work at a while then rest a bit.
  3. NanaK

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    I think so! :fl :fl :fl
  4. NanaK

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    They grow so fast. They look so cute perched up there!
  5. NanaK

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Kind of looks like the hiney of a layer to me! :lol: Positive thinking. What color is this one's leg band?
  6. NanaK

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    You got a 4 leg chicken!!! WOW!!! :gig
  7. NanaK

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Happy Mother's Day!
  8. NanaK

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    It IS contagious! 🤣 :jumpy:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy
  9. NanaK

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    I really believe sometimes the girls start hearing peeping and if any are having "mama" thoughts it can put them over the edge. Not always but on more than 1 occasion I've had 1 girl hatch babies and within a week or so other girls start clucking, puffing up, etc. Coincidence? Maybe. I let 3...
  10. NanaK

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Sometimes chicks peeping can start something.
  11. NanaK

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    LC needs a step stool. :) Sometimes I need a step stool! :D
  12. NanaK

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Just a guess. 🫣 I think purple, blue, black are boys. Green and LC are girls. :fl My first hatch was with a broody. 3 boys 1 girl. Second hatch was also with a broody. I think there were 8 babies. 5 boys and 3 girls. :idunno
  13. NanaK

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Before you know it Martha will have them on the roost! Chicks grow so fast. :jumpy
  14. NanaK

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    I am so sorry! :hugs
  15. NanaK

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    It is so cute to see babies climbing all over Mom! :love
  16. NanaK

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Sorry, I meant to say hold the syringe of water/vitamin drops in your hand to warm it up a bit before giving. It was chilly this morning. I was thinking the drops may have felt cold to her, hence caused her reaction.
  17. NanaK

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    The trouble holding its head up could be a symptom of wry neck. If she (I'm calling it a "she" :fl ) has wry neck the vit e/b complex should help. Maybe she is surprised by the droplet on her beak? its new to her? Lot's of new stuff in a new short life? Was it cool? Maybe hold it tightly in...
  18. NanaK

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    I have used this remedy several times in juvenile and adult birds but wasn't sure on the dosage for a tiny baby so I did not advise. Thank you. Good to know for the future. I am always learning something new on this site! :) @fuzzi Hope LC has a much better day, today! :fl
  19. NanaK

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Yes, syringes work great. For a chick I just put a tiny drop at a time on the tip of the baby's beak and they smack it right down. *** is just too cute when they smack it down! 🥰
  20. NanaK

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    I agree. Do you have anything like Nutridrench? or a little sugar water? Just a little might help the little chick out.
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