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  1. S

    Bush beans and pole beans question?

    A question for the Green Stalk growers... How well does the plastic of the Green Stalk hold up to sunshine? How many years of service do you get before they get brittle?
  2. S

    Bush beans and pole beans question?

    Excellent! Thank you, @paradisepentacoop!
  3. S

    Bush beans and pole beans question?

    Very interesting! I've seen the little nodules on the roots before. Do you recommend leaving the roots at the end of the season and letting them sit in the ground? I've been pulling up the plants and spreading them out to sit and rot over the winter.
  4. S

    Bush beans and pole beans question?

    I've read that as long as you keep the bean picked, the bush will keep flowering and producing. To anthropomorphize: to the bean plant, it hasn't fulfilled its main objective of reproduction, if it hasn't made viable bean seeds. So if you keep picking the beans, it keeps making more.
  5. S

    Bush beans and pole beans question?

    Far and away my most productive bean for the last 3 years has been Dragon Tongue, a wax type bean. I'll be growing this one every year. It has actually made my hubby like beans! we grill them in a cast iron pan, and he loves them! He used to think that beans were not actually food. :gig
  6. S

    Bush beans and pole beans question?

    And, once you have it, you have it. It will readily self seed if you let the flowers go to seed. I find mine all over the garden. If it's in a good place for it to grow, I let it grow. If it's in the middle of a row of something, it's pulled out. Once you see what the seedlings look like, it's...
  7. S

    Bush beans and pole beans question?

    My garden looks just as neat and tidy, said Sally, never... :oops: Very nice. :bow
  8. S

    Bush beans and pole beans question?

    I've found that to be true for any topic here. BYC is a NICE place.
  9. S

    Bush beans and pole beans question?

    Bush beans don't need support, but I put tomato cages down the row to give them something to grow into/around. This helps keep them from flopping over if they get heavy with beans, or if we get some wind. I have read that if the beans remain picked, the plant will keep flowering and producing...
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