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  1. Lillith37

    Witchcraft thread

    I saw these guys last year when they came to my city. Absolutely incredible performance. They are playing again late this year but I don’t think I’ll have the funds to go…
  2. Lillith37

    Witchcraft thread

    I sometimes get that feeling too.
  3. Lillith37

    Witchcraft thread

    I can relate to this. It’s hard to differentiate. I think intuition is more subtle. The negative mind thoughts are more insistent and unpleasant. The mind thoughts generate the feelings of anxiety and paranoia which can be intense and hard to know what to do with… but the more you go into those...
  4. Lillith37

    Witchcraft thread

    I’m curious to hear from everyone as to their relationship (or lack thereof) with their intuition? Who hears the whispers (or the shouts) and ignores them? Who listens intently and honours at all times or wherever possible? And everything in between, all shades of grey. We all have our strengths...
  5. Lillith37

    Witchcraft thread

    Actually I got this wrong, it was the 10th day.
  6. Lillith37

    Witchcraft thread

    Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t. Sometimes it depends on the intentions you set before sleeping and/or how you remember and record dreams upon waking. I’ll give some examples. Dreams on the new moon and beginning days of the lunar cycle set the intentions/tone/blueprint for the month...
  7. Lillith37

    Witchcraft thread

    I’m not sure about generic witchy gift ideas but this is how I am approaching a gift… It’s my mother’s birthday this week and I’m seeing her on Friday. The night before last I dreamed she called me and was very impatient/frustrated and asked me if I had sorted out the lobster salad for her...
  8. Lillith37

    Witchcraft thread

    Sorry to hear about your mum :hugs
  9. Lillith37

    Witchcraft thread

    You could interpret Abdul’s read on you to mean that while you may be physically in Sweden, another more truer part of you is far away in a different place…
  10. Lillith37

    Witchcraft thread

    Laugh at negative entities. We are denser than they are. They attach to feed but in truth they have no power over us. Visualisation is good. This is a mantra I have found personally helpful. “I am loved and I am worthy. I am safe and I am free. I am powerfully protected. I am master of my body...
  11. Lillith37

    Witchcraft thread

    I think it’s really important to acknowledge this too. I did a bit of study about the witch hunts in university. Fascinating, and terrifying. The whole drowning in a cage for example — if she floats, she’s a witch and must be executed. If she drowns, she was an innocent woman. A lot of people...
  12. Lillith37

    Witchcraft thread

    I appreciate this point. Something central to Celtic thought which I also see reflected in First Nations spirituality (in Australia) is the idea that the ordinary is sacred and the sacred is ordinary.
  13. Lillith37

    Witchcraft thread

    Tudy’s done a good job dramatising that story. There are a few lines that really capture the truth of my memory actually, but also a few that I would personally edit or remove. But if you usually edit pieces to fit your publication, I’m cool with that.
  14. Lillith37

    Witchcraft thread

    It’s not exactly a cute story, it was a horrifying experience for my brother and I, but in hindsight pretty funny… I could flesh it out.
  15. Lillith37

    Witchcraft thread

    Oh my god look this probably isn’t what you’re after but the first thing that came to mind was to write a short story about when I was a kid… I was probably only 3 or 4, this is one of my earliest memories. We had chickens and occasionally the fox would get them (or get some of them). We would...
  16. Lillith37

    Witchcraft thread

    I could try and write something?
  17. Lillith37

    Witchcraft thread

    There is a really beautiful book called Anam Cara written by Patrick O'Donohue. For anyone who is interested in Celtic spirituality I recommend reading it.
  18. Lillith37

    Witchcraft thread

    Gosh maybe! That’s a pretty chicken. Lillith has that sort of shape. Evie is more streamlined, and she has a wonky tail.
  19. Lillith37

    Witchcraft thread

    I’m actually not sure but suspect Lillith is a black australorp and Evie is some version of a leghorn.
  20. Lillith37

    Witchcraft thread

    Yes I’m going to relate it back to chickens again… this is Lillith and Eve!
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