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  1. BDutch

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    Tintin doesn’t want to roost either . First time experience for me too. He really is a strange cockerel. Part of it must be his mother upbringing. She doesn’t teach him to roost at all. PS the photo belong to a question in my own thread...
  2. BDutch

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    My wannabe roosters all had real rooster names. I don't give names anymore to chicks that havent told me what gender they belong to. In order of appearance: Tommy , Oscar , Quick , Tintin. None of these cockerels made it to become a rooster because:
  3. BDutch

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    Freddie is a name that is used for young boys with the name Fred in my country, and Freddy Mercury had a moustache. So definitely a men. You told us that Haris is the female name for Harry when we were choosing names. So …? I really don’t get your point 🤔🙃
  4. BDutch

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    This chap looks less male to me. Are you sure? Otherwise is Harry another perfect name for s nice looking boy. ❤️
  5. BDutch

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    Freddie is a perfect name for a pretty boy. ❤️
  6. BDutch

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    Ooh, so sorry to hear he’s just a boy. You should rename him to Groce. A name fit for any unwanted boy that poops everywhere he goes.
  7. BDutch

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    Yeah, chicks grow fast and time flies. Tintin will be 10 weeks old tomorrow. And within 2 weeks time I expect a new hatch with more baby chicks.
  8. BDutch

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    I dont know what the actal risk would be to sleep in the tree. We do have weasels around here. Foxes probably don’t climb that high. Another reason to lock them in: if the chickens free range the whole day they wonder off quite far in neighbourhood and on the street. Once a neighbour who...
  9. BDutch

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    Chickens are so easy to train with scratch or other goodies. All it needs is to call them and give them yummie food for a few days on a row about ½ hour before sunset (before roost time). You’ll see they lurk around the coop and wait for the goodies to come every evening after that.
  10. BDutch

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    I try to get the hens in the run way before dark. Mainly to avoid 2 of my hens to roost in the pear tree. Some scratch and a few mealworms does wonders to get them inside a bit earlier.
  11. BDutch

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    It lacks the political will to do anything about it. The pesticide company has an overwhelming lobby apparatus to convince politicians in EU to maintain the allowance of the use of toxins despite what doctors ask for , for our health. And beekeepers for their honey bees and ….. The farming...
  12. BDutch

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    Attract lots of Dutch farmers and flower growers who use an abundant lot of pesticides and other toxins to destroy the bugs on their crops and in the soil. We have only 25% of the original amount of insects in the Netherlands because of all the round up and other poisons. Serious: You have my...
  13. BDutch

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    So sorry for the death chick and your loss. How come you are not sure it is or isn’t Haris. ? Cant you can put the Serama babies in a cardboard box with many holes for ventilation at night? That probably reduces the chance something goes wrong a second time.
  14. BDutch

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    I need to control the dB in the morning (before 8.30 and 9.30 in the weekends). Therefore I gave away all my cockerels until now. This is the first time I try to keep a cockerel in a separate and dark cage with a his own automatic door. A little bit further away from the people who get annoyed...
  15. BDutch

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    Watch ! a trailer of Haris in a Netflix series. 🐣🤣🤪
  16. BDutch

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    The earliest crower I ever had was about 14 weeks old. I had 5 different bantams breeds / about 17 cockerels from hatchery eggs over the past 10 years. About ⅔ left before they started to crow. 2 stayed long enough to fertilise some eggs. Unfortunately the ones I kept, all became too loud and...
  17. BDutch

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    lovely, but I would say its a firm cheep//peep. Not a crow like young cockerels make. Watch this compilation to hear what I mean.
  18. BDutch

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    It must have been a 3 week old bantam chick from next door that sneaked in. No way a 3 days old chick can crow. 🐣
  19. BDutch

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    My cockerel Tintin is almost 7 weeks now and tsjilps like a bird. Tintin sunbathing with his mama, his ex-mama and a 3th hen who is very friendly towards Tintin too.
  20. BDutch

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    That makes it easier for Tzatziki to swim in the fatty yoghurt.
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