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  1. SourRoses

    Feathering Genetics

    How does that work I wonder? And does it act like a recessive and pop back up again afterwards? I found a picture of accidental Orangello... In the second one, the pullet to the right is the typical red GHF color.
  2. SourRoses

    Feathering Genetics

    You were the main expert I was thinking of! If you don't have the answer there probably still isn't one available. Darn.
  3. SourRoses

    Feathering Genetics

    Try asking in the "Ask anything of Nicalandia" thread. The color experts most often answer there. Or in a new thread, they likely won't see it here. I remember it once, long ago being answered as "the genes that make buff are not understood, except that it's a dilution of red". Whether that is...
  4. SourRoses

    Feathering Genetics

    Ooh, What do they look like? Are they Bantam Cochin or large fowl? I've only kept mixes of GHF now, as I really wanted to focus on my projects. I'd like to blend in the GHF feather length. One pullet is 3/4 GHF and 1/4 Ameraucana, she's completely GHF in appearance. So the decision to be made...
  5. SourRoses

    Feathering Genetics

    Both King and Dean are beautiful! It's a shame Dean got an attitude, he does look really nice. It's cool how the Pheonix have such long saddles and hackles. They were one of the breeds used to make GHF way back. It would be awesome to combine the two to get long tails as well... I remember you...
  6. SourRoses

    Feathering Genetics

    Long before any outcrossing, the floating characteristics of GHF feathers were attained with simple selection for better feathers. Whiting may do some cross breeding and things to increase his sales, but it doesn't say a lot about the actual breed of Genetic Hackle Fowl. I say this knowing...
  7. SourRoses

    Feathering Genetics

    Understandable. There's a lot of misinformation floating out there. Since silkie feathering is a recessive, it would keep showing up in full as the birds are bred together. I haven't heard of anyone in the Genetic Hackle Fowl community having silkied fowl pop up. There are two main groups of...
  8. SourRoses

    Feathering Genetics

    It does seem to be separate genes that control different aspect of the tail. I have some I really like with a fanned out tail (each feather showing, without gaps). From Black Ameraucana. I've bred those two generations now, mostly crosses, and it seems to be dominant as most of them now have...
  9. SourRoses

    Feathering Genetics

    Is that fuller due to more feathers than normal?
  10. SourRoses

    Feathering Genetics

    I don't have the info you want, but some thoughts. I don't believe Silkies were ever a part of the Genetic Hackle breeding program. The Silkie gene being recessive, it either makes completely hookless feathering or splits with completely normal feathering. But my Genetic Hackle show an...
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