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  1. Miss Lydia

    please help! Transitioning an imprinted 1-month old duck away from me

    She’ll probably squat for you once she gets to breeding age but she probably won’t try and mate your leg etc like a drake would do.
  2. Miss Lydia

    please help! Transitioning an imprinted 1-month old duck away from me

    I agree the Geese are beautiful.
  3. Miss Lydia

    please help! Transitioning an imprinted 1-month old duck away from me

    How did I miss those adorable pictures. No wonder Lucky duck doesn't quack it's a Muscovy duck. ❤️ They are quackless. Females make sweet trilling noises drakes make huff and hissing sounds. I do believe your right and Luck is a female. So beautiful too.
  4. Miss Lydia

    please help! Transitioning an imprinted 1-month old duck away from me

    Did you say Lucky is wild duck or a domestic? I would think wild females would quack loudly just like domestic since the domestic come from wild mallards. Drakes have a very raspy voice they don't quack. Does Ducky make any noise at all and if so can you video it and post it on YouTube or...
  5. Miss Lydia

    please help! Transitioning an imprinted 1-month old duck away from me

    When Lucky Duck gets mature which can happen anywhere from 4 months up he is going to want female companionship in other words he is going to want to mate and that someone will be you if he hasn't anyone else in the feathered class to show his affections too. Those of us who have raised a single...
  6. Miss Lydia

    please help! Transitioning an imprinted 1-month old duck away from me

    That made me laugh, made me think of my boy and how much I loved him, he was my baby. It's wonderful your going to keep him and are building him his outdoor cage. Pictures when you can.
  7. Miss Lydia

    please help! Transitioning an imprinted 1-month old duck away from me

    @joya250 how are things going with your duckling?
  8. Miss Lydia

    please help! Transitioning an imprinted 1-month old duck away from me

    Keep us updated. All my birds that will let me I pick up and cuddle they are my pets and I Love them. Hopefully once Lucky the Duck has been around the geese he/ she will still like your attention but also like being around other waterfowl. Do you know sex yet? Is it quacking/honking at all?
  9. Miss Lydia

    please help! Transitioning an imprinted 1-month old duck away from me

    I wouldn’t feel comfortable taking him knowing they were just going to plop him in with others without letting him and them get used to each other. So I guess I’d wait. Any idea why your goose doesn’t like the duckling? Any chance you could do a see no touch there and keep the duck? I know it’s...
  10. Miss Lydia

    please help! Transitioning an imprinted 1-month old duck away from me

    That is exactly how my little duckling was or he would lay on my foot and put his head up my jeans pants leg like going under feathers. As far as when to take him have you asked the person who has this place how they integrate new ducklings/ducks? I think the longer you put it off the harder it...
  11. Miss Lydia

    please help! Transitioning an imprinted 1-month old duck away from me

    I think if the place is all you are saying then the duckling will be okay. Does the person have ducklings the same age as yours? that will help a lot I raised a Muscovy duckling inside my home for close to 3 months I had Muscovy outside but he was my baby from hatch he was def bonded with me and...
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