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  1. NatJ

    are these cockerels?

    I assume Billy is the one with red feathers, near the center top of the picture? That comb does say "cockerel" to me. Alan being mostly black, with that rose comb, standing back by the edging instead of in the group with the rest? Yes, that comb also makes me think male. Nothing about that...
  2. NatJ

    are these cockerels?

    I think it is probably just a coincidence, but I cannot be positive. It will be interesting to see what happens as they grow.
  3. NatJ

    are these cockerels?

    With a red father and hens of red, white, and black, I don't think any of the chicks are going to be color-sexable. Certain combinations of red rooster/white hen do produce color-sexable chicks, but I don't think your White Orpington will have the "right" kind of white (there are at least 3 sets...
  4. NatJ

    are these cockerels?

    For the ones that are any shade of black or gray, the color is not going to tell if they are males or females. What color are the buff orpington/wyandotte mix hens and rooster? You might, or might not, have a set of birds that produce one kind of sexlink chicks (sexlinks being sexable by color...
  5. NatJ

    are these cockerels?

    Where did you get them, and what are they supposed to be? A few kinds of chicks are color-sexable at hatch, but the sexing only works if you know what kind they are supposed to be (example: males of Red Sexlinks are the same color as both males and females of White Leghorns or White Rocks, at...
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