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  1. Charlotteandfriends

    Help! Chickens stopped laying!

    Thank you thank you thank you for all your time. We have an acre Inn Florida and it's definitely not a manicured lawn.:lol: We have lots and lots of trees and bushy areas that are perfect for all kinds of things to live in. When they are out, they have plenty of places to forage around in and...
  2. Charlotteandfriends

    Help! Chickens stopped laying!

    We have a lock on our egg hatch and I check for eggs right after they lay so I don't think that's the problem...
  3. Charlotteandfriends

    Help! Chickens stopped laying!

    I will get a picture here for you In an hour or so. I have six blue Cochin (One being a rooster.), four Easter eggers, Two Rhode Island reds, a Polish rooster, and one Speckled Sussex hen. I switched over to all flock feed and oyster shells yesterday and I am giving them access to it 24/7...
  4. Charlotteandfriends

    Help! Chickens stopped laying!

    I went and picked up some all flock feed with 20% protein and oyster shells yesterday and I'm giving them access to it 24/7 as well as free ranging, so we'll see how that goes! We have an acre here In Florida but hawks are also a big problem. I have lost multiple to hawks and four to ground...
  5. Charlotteandfriends

    Help! Chickens stopped laying!

    How much should I feed oyster shells? Thank you!
  6. Charlotteandfriends

    Help! Chickens stopped laying!

    That's what I thought before but they aren't out often enough to have time to lay in a secret spot. They usually just walk right in the coop to lay eggs.
  7. Charlotteandfriends

    Help! Chickens stopped laying!

    No, I don't give them access to feed all the time, Only when I think they need it or when I am putting them away. I will definitely start feeding them more with a different type of feed. The Layena pellets that I am feeding now have 16% protein... So I need to change that. We don't have a...
  8. Charlotteandfriends

    Help! Chickens stopped laying!

    The Layena bag is very new and has no mold or any other problems. They do not have access to pellets all the time only when I feel like they need it ( Once or twice a week.). If they are out free ranging and I have to put them away, I will lure them in the coop with pellets. I want to make sure...
  9. Charlotteandfriends

    Help! Chickens stopped laying!

    Hello there! My babies are about 2-3 years old (Some not even 2 years.) so I don't think it has to do with their age. We have pretty young hens. Only four of my chickens are slightly old (Almost 3 years old). We have daylight here for a little over 13 hours so it should be enough right? Not...
  10. Charlotteandfriends

    Help! Chickens stopped laying!

    Hello again everyone! I have 15 chickens (Two roos and 13 hens.) and they stopped laying! I live in Florida and it is summer time so I don't think it is a matter of day lengths or temperature. They free range on days that I am home and when I'm not, they have a long tunnel that leads to a second...
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