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  1. AletaG

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Quote: When you re-paint light blue, will it be a flat, or semi-gloss; and does the light blue help with glare, or just so pictures of white fowl have something to contrast with? This is so interesting... -AG
  2. AletaG

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Drat! I didn't even get a chance to guess... But am grateful that will help slow the rolling panoply of divergent 'voices' I've been trying on in my head. I do that with everyone. Anyone from the East of our country, can't pronounce Oregon for the love 'nor money, let alone Yakima. Now I'm going...
  3. AletaG

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Looking forward to more posts with the added entertainment of wondering which accent you might have! :-) I'm not posting more until mine are done with moulting... Don't want to go through the effort of getting them relaxed in a cage to take good pics until they are done. Maybe next month...
  4. AletaG

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I'd been wondering about this idly, but knew I wanted to focus more on body shape/production and tail feather lacing. I think. :-) How hard IS it to get rid of tail feather lacing in hens? Never? 10yrs, 5 breeding cycles? :-)
  5. AletaG

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    These are pics I took at the show... they aren't great either, but: Have to admire a NH cockerel. Like a weathervane... took this one 'cause I vaguely recall someone trying to find white faced black Spanish... only one there, but it was listed as for sale. If someone knows how to track...
  6. AletaG

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Been neglecting pictures of my new pairs, 'cause my camera sucks. Didn't realize just how bad until I took these pictures. Will try again another day, maybe get some one on one time :-) Thanks again to budsbirds for helping me out. Just for fun, this is where I was coming from, so...
  7. AletaG

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Welcome Raph. Might go back to the first page or 2 and also go here Robert Blosl was head of the RIR club of the US, and once you get past his hectic writing style (honestly I think he must have been typing on his phone, and two other computers at the same...
  8. AletaG

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Wow! There were 3 at the APA show in S WA last weekend... 3! Everyone was talking moult, moult, moult, so maybe some withdrew. Pictures! Video!
  9. AletaG

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I found out about Mr. Blosl's passing yesterday while at the APA show near Battleground. Completely scrambled my mind. I was there to pick up 2 HRIR breeding pairs, originally Underwood SC, through budsbirds... I was SO looking forward to taking pictures, and posting them, and sending him...
  10. AletaG

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I know when you all take overhead pics of the birds, they are pretty brick shaped from that angle as well, so it's hard for me to guesstimate what you mean by width... Could you be a dear and measure your big guy then one of your not-as-wides at the shoulder and before the tail? I'd file that...
  11. AletaG

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I want to be her when I grow up :-) . Hoping my ladies don't experience too much relocation shock when they come in the mail. It's still too hot to ship in TX, and we're definitely cooling off here! :-)
  12. AletaG

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Things that I haven't been able to work out are 1. insurance? What if someones 300$ pair of breeders don't make it - like the AC dies or something and heat exhaustion happens? 2. Crossing state lines - that whole import/export thing. 3. licensing as a courier... (WA state is so weird) I don't...
  13. AletaG

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    LOL. Actually, been kicking around the idea of local chicken delivery hubs. Like UPS but just for birds, or maybe other small animals. My hubby and I ran teams for a crazy 6mos years ago, so I know the distance that can be covered with multiple stops in one day's travel. As expensive as it is to...
  14. AletaG

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Oh for pity's sake. Wasn't like I asked, "gosh, you know, like I'd really like to, ya know, have a rhody that like, lays blue eggs, man. Oh, and green ones on fourth Thursdays, for like Thor..." I have *zero* intention of "crapping up" the breed. Thought we'd been communicating better than...
  15. AletaG

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Copied that last conversation plus pics to my HRIR 'profiling' folder :-) Fabulous!
  16. AletaG

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Whoa. about 25,000 of these, some mortar, 'n we can build us a Tower O' Brick Chickenses! A-mazing.
  17. AletaG

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    :-) Maybe there should be an advanced breeding theory thread for each breed. It's like when I got my first car, a VW bug. Loved that thing. Didn't have a clue how to work on it, just washed and waxed it incessantly. Didn't stop me from going to car shows and bugging racers with nitro tanks, or...
  18. AletaG

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Bob, don't get all excited. And stay off the wood glue. Historically, some breeds occasionally need a careful outcross to whatever they were bred from, to bring them back to standard,/beef up a trait. RIR didn't appear by magic, yeah? Took years of careful choices and work. I'm not saying *I*...
  19. AletaG

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    So it wouldn't necessarily be a terrible thing to do, then, if you wanted to pick a really amazing, meaty NH and thread it into a family breeding, see what happens... then theoretically 8 gens (or was it 10) you can breed it with your other families as if they were an infusion of RIR because at...
  20. AletaG

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Due to some side commentary in an email discussion with a Canadian Hatchery, wanted to look up the original "brew" on Rhode Islands... Something about "braiding in" a NH cockerel from time to time to keep the size up or something. Is there NH in the RIR background, I thought there was a history...
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