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  1. Wee Farmer Sarah

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I opted for unfrosted cupcakes. Portion control. Lol!
  2. Wee Farmer Sarah

    What did you do in the garden today?

    A side note. I know I mentioned it here a couple of months ago about leaving my gardens intact and no clean up after the growing season. I learned that this was a method of “enriching” the garden soil. It seems to have worked. I haven’t used any fertilizers yet and the plants are thriving...
  3. Wee Farmer Sarah

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I’m not sure if you want to go through what @Sueby did to get those special “electronics.” Last work in the garden today. I finally planted the clematis. I put it where it can grow on the lattice around the grandkids little garden. Then I planted a pot of marigolds. I think that’s enough for one...
  4. Wee Farmer Sarah

    What did you do in the garden today?

    The grandkids came over for a couple of hours. I got some weeding done around the big potato garden then put down more straw. I put the kids to work planting flowers, mint and tarragon seeds in pots. Planned for leftovers for dinner so I’ll have time to make a chocolate cake.
  5. Wee Farmer Sarah

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Which variety are you planting? English lavender is more cold hardy. The French lavender I had in containers did well as long as I brought onto my front porch to overwinter. Those plants were drowned from all the rain last summer but one of them is actually coming back to life. The lavender I...
  6. Wee Farmer Sarah

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Good morning gardeners. Yesterday was mowing and trimming the little chicken yard then the same on the backyard. I worked on weeding the early pea patch in the rock garden. I’ll work on clearing the rest of that garden area before breakfast today to prep for lima beans and a couple of pumpkin...
  7. Wee Farmer Sarah

    What did you do in the garden today?

    The rain didn’t stop until after 1 pm. I did get the cages secured around the summer squash then planted the parsley, thyme and basil in the herb garden. There’s still room to tuck some onions in there. Perhaps tomorrow. Rainfall total was over an inch.
  8. Wee Farmer Sarah

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Good morning gardeners. It is pouring outside right now. It’s supposed to clear out of here by noon. Fingers crossed. I’m hoping to get the herb garden finished up today.
  9. Wee Farmer Sarah

    What did you do in the garden today?

    So I planted the okra seeds in containers and cut the bindweed off my azalea in the front yard. When I let the chickens out to stretch their legs and do some digging I worked on one of the herb gardens. A lot more work than expected. Showers and cooler temps in the forecast tomorrow. I’m making...
  10. Wee Farmer Sarah

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Back to work outside today. I finally got my summer squash planted. Next up is clearing and prepping the rock garden and planting lima beans and pumpkins.
  11. Wee Farmer Sarah

    What did you do in the garden today?

    We got an inch of rain or more overnight. I think it’s over for a few days. I planted the butternut squash and sugar baby watermelons before breakfast. I planted 5 of the basil plants DD picked up for me then planted an 8 foot row of carrots and picked a few more radishes. It was only 65F but...
  12. Wee Farmer Sarah

    What did you do in the garden today?

    We got a little over 1/2 inch of rain last night. Noisy thunderstorms rolled in before bedtime. Drizzling this morning off and on. I weeded the tomato beds and black beans. Then went up the hill to put in a little work on the summer squash bed. The green beans are coming up now. I will be...
  13. Wee Farmer Sarah

    What did you do in the garden today?

    You can sautée or roast the radishes. You might enjoy them that way.
  14. Wee Farmer Sarah

    What did you do in the garden today?

    You can in Massachusetts. There are several farmers around here that rent their herds for weed eating.
  15. Wee Farmer Sarah

    What did you do in the garden today?

    It got a little hot today. 81F and very sunny. I worked on cleaning the old chicken coop. It’s hard for me because of my breathing problems and wearing a mask. But I did make some progress. I watered everything first thing this morning and harvested some radishes. I’ll be mixing them and the...
  16. Wee Farmer Sarah

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I just spent nearly a half hour working on clearing the soon to be summer squash patch. It almost to the point I can use the tiller. I’ve been using the garden weasel to yank the grass clumps and briars (maybe stinging nettles, not sure) out by their roots. I will definitely cover this garden...
  17. Wee Farmer Sarah

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I planted 10 tomato plants this morning before breakfast. As I was planting them I remembered that I forgot to get basil seeds. I’m hoping to get some plants to put in with the tomatoes.
  18. Wee Farmer Sarah

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Done for the day. Got the front yard and chicken yard mowed. Finished weed whacking the garden then gave everything a drink of water. It didn’t get as hot today but the humidity dropped to 35%. Very dry. The wind picked up rather briskly and broke a large limb off one of my maple trees...
  19. Wee Farmer Sarah

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Is it dock? I have it everywhere. Lol! Good morning gardeners. I started clearing the squash to be patch in the high garden with the green beans. It shouldn’t take too long, however early morning is the easiest time of day to work up there. The bush beans there are slowly breaking soil now...
  20. Wee Farmer Sarah

    What did you do in the garden today?

    We never got the rain today. All we got was clouds and thunder. I did get a little over half the big garden paths weed whacked. The string spools ran out so I need to wrap them all. I put up bamboo stakes in the pinto beans. The plan is to mow the front yard and old chicken yard tomorrow. Maybe...
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