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  1. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Ok I used discard straight from the frige starter with this recipe minus the yeast and 5 cups flour. It was a wet dough but coming away from the sides. The recipe called for it rise 45 mins to an 1 hour. I have it lightly covered with saran wrap in the oven with just the light on since 4pm. No...
  2. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    That is awesome!!! I pray you continue to recover...been down that road too often.
  3. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Curious about "discard" vs using designed starter... I was thinking of discard as what ya wouldn't have to let I mistaken? And I should actually use fed starter for this recipe of rolls?
  4. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I've done more baking since summer than I have in a long time...I'm enjoying it..except for when it's not so tasty lol
  5. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Good to know...I'll see how next batch goes! Thank u for answering all my silly questions!
  6. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Any Home Bakers Here? add half an hour to the first rise, or second rise? Would you add any baking powder or baking soda?
  7. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Any Home Bakers Here? @ronott1 and @Swiss I tried the above link with my discard. My question is why would I need to use active yeast? Couldn't I just use my discard and add baking soda and baking powder?
  8. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Ok thank you! I used some of it for cinnamon rolls and they rose well so must just need more discarding.
  9. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Sourdough question yall.... I got starter out of frige on Saturday morning...fed it and left it on the counter with thin bread cloth draped over it. It was doing well...smelled great, bubbly and growing then I didn't get to use it yesterday so it remained on counter til last night. I noticed it...
  10. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I'm so sorry...fribro is from the pits of hell...right there along with rheumatoid!
  11. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Any Home Bakers Here? out of oven and definitely much more sour!!! Idk bout all that hydration though! That was a mess to work with!!! Aby suggestions for when shaping the bread to not get stuck everywhere?! Does the recipe index have any of yalls sourdough recipes where you give details for the more...
  12. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Indeed! We will definitely need those recipes @SmiYa0126 !!!
  13. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Yep good reminder! Definitely gonna soak in tub then do just that! Just got the chicken run all rearranged so they'll wake up to new setup tomorrow...I think they might be getting bored - more picking going on!
  14. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Any Home Bakers Here? batch of bread rising! I adjusted the recipe per you and @ronott1 advice regarding the salt. I also added ¼ cup oat milk! Um...should I have heated the milk so as not to shock the starter? Hope I it does well. My goal is to decrease sugar and slowly incorporate wheat flour rather...
  15. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Ok that makes sense...I at one day old it actually was just like store bought bread which was nice since I was craving PB sandwich LOL! It was delish! To make it more hydrated do you add extra ¼ cup of milk or what exactly? And is that added to the starter or the dough for baking that batch?
  16. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Thank you both @ronott1 so much! By low hydration what does that mean?
  17. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Saweet! Literally lol! One more question... I fed it then let it sit out on counter overnight then used all but a cup of starter. Was i correct in just placing the remaining in the refrigerator or should I have fed it again? I can't ask mom cuz she's gonna pitch a fit when I tell her I...
  18. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Great! Thank u!!! Will the starter adjust if I cut out the sugar completely when feeding it? I wasn't sure if it would cause shock or anything?
  19. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Yeah this starter gets "fed" sugar and potato flakes which makes it sweet without making it sweet when you make the bread.
  20. Gammas Bearded Babies

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Sourdough Bread... Have any of yall ever made a sweet Sourdough Bread? My mom has had this starter for over 30 years and she's known for her amazing bread and cinnamon rolls. But whenever she feeds it you use sugar and potato flakes in addition to the flour and water. I am trying to adapt it to...
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