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  1. Katanahamon

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I rely a lot on parchment paper, too late for that nugget of wisdom I know, but..makes life easier.. If they don’t come out right away, maybe leaving them a bit will cause moisture to build up from the bottom, and you can get them out..
  2. Katanahamon

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    One trick I use to make breads softer, is to interrupt the gluten formation by putting the flour first in the mixer, then adding whatever oil or butter goes into the recipe, then letting the mixer beat it in big time, increasing the speed, putting a towel over the mixer if it raises any dust in...
  3. Katanahamon

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    There are dried sourdough mixes in packets just like regular yeast now..having a couple in the cabinet is great backup for when things don’t go well, or for starting a new culture..
  4. Katanahamon

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Yep..never be afraid of long, cold rises..way better flavor!
  5. Katanahamon

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    AAAAAAAAAAA! My sweet girl just laid her second ever egg less than 24 hours after her first..! (brown fake ceramic..) edit..I weighed them, a commercial grade A Vital Farms organic is 60 grams, my girl’s first two are 30 and 29 grams cute!
  6. Katanahamon

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    ABE booksellers online is great, they also are supplied by small bookstores all over the world, you can usually find a used version of whatever book you’re looking for at a very cheap price, they list by condition, so, if you are wanting it very cheap, you can find it..
  7. Katanahamon

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Yeah, I didn’t show the Japanese sword and metallurgy section, gardening, more brewing books, the aikido section, the bonsai section..etc..or all the music books and paperback stuff like Harry Dresden, Pawn of Prophecy series, all the entertainment books..when you get older, your detritus begins...
  8. Katanahamon

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Links can be found in the description of the YouTube titles..or it’s a google away..!
  9. Katanahamon

    Any Home Bakers Here? haven’t seen the rest of this mess..and you won’t! Books lying around, books on tables, books on chairs, under beds, on top of beds..etc etc..I did just buy new bookcases though..from Amazon, the IRONCK, surprisingly high quality, great price, all metal machine screws into metal, even...
  10. Katanahamon

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    One of the most underrated and overlooked little books is “Focaccia,” by Carol Field. It has a basic white wine and olive oil focaccia that any beginner even first time baker could use to turn out a terrific bread. It’s a small, paperback cover, yellow with a focaccia on the front. Focaccia is...
  11. Katanahamon

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Umm..don’t think I have that one, but, here are some snaps of part of my cookbooks..lots of pizza and bread books..
  12. Katanahamon

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    You know, you can do black bean, snow pea and ginger chicken pizza, all sorts of non Italian things are really spectacular..variation on stir fry veges, hoisin sauce, oyster sauce, peanut satay, infinite variants..
  13. Katanahamon

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Well, with different GF flours that can be sticky, putting them on parchment could solve a lot of problems..
  14. Katanahamon

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Yeah! These you can just do veges, some sprinkled cheese, and herbs, no sauce needed..and the, because of the generous olive oil it’s rich, but so light, crispy, and airy, there’s no other crust like it. I keep pushing the final rise, I’ve done 3+ hours and they’re amazing..!
  15. Katanahamon

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    These pics are reminding me how wonderful this tastes..think I’m doing pizza tomorrow!
  16. Katanahamon

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Here are some using the Detroit style’s a good style because you just don’t have to have your oven cranked up to’s a much more moderate can see how the olive oil fries the crust, how flaky it is..I shined a flashlight through to show how airy the crust gets from a...
  17. Katanahamon

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Thanks for asking..since I’m disabled, every now and then I make a pity purchase, or, I tell myself it’s a Christmas/birthday thing..latest one is this..although I won’t get it until November, so, I guess it really IS a Christmas present!
  18. Katanahamon

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Some chefs are good with desserts, or mains, but this guy..super professional! His dessert skills are really amazing, watching how fast and accurate and artistic he is, but what is equally impressive are all the main courses, sides and salads..I’ve made many of his recipes, they all turn out...
  19. Katanahamon

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I wanted to share this terrific pro chef in case y’all haven’t seen him..amazing recipes. I made his chicken pot pie..very best I’ve ever had..tons of recipes, here are apple turnovers..Bruno Albouze..
  20. Katanahamon

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Pretty..fresh baked bread, like money in the bank..or..freezer!
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