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  1. Stepnout

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    First try at 7 grain bread. I wanted it to be a softer bread so I us my white bread recipe and changed it up. I’m happy how it turned out, the wife is but she’s made at me because she is on a die! My white bread recipe calls for 9 cups of APflour. I used 8 cups APFLOUR, 2 cups 7 grain cereal. 4...
  2. Stepnout

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Growing up we always enjoyed these beautiful coconut squares. We always referred to the a the Boy’s Square‘s. I got the recipe from my 85 year old mother and tried it today for the first time. I’ll have to get it written out properly and post it in the next few days. My dad is 88 and is very ill...
  3. Stepnout

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I’ve never made donuts before but I’ve eaten many molasses donuts from the Village Family Restaurant in Doaktown, New Brunswick. Here is a recipe for Crosby Molasses Donuts. I hope some of you great donut makers can try these and report back.
  4. Stepnout

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I hope you don't think I'm trying to prove anything. As MY post mentioned I'm sure geese feeding in different areas on different types of feed would absolutely have a different fat content. The central flyway would have geese eating grains from the Canadian prairies down to the wintering...
  5. Stepnout

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I have never shot a wild goose that had any amount of fat. I live in eastern Canada and have hunted/harvested geese in 2 province. Most have had very little fat. I would think after they stop migrating and settle in an farming area for the winter feeding on the remains of corn and other grains...
  6. Stepnout

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Wayne’s Never Fail Bread! Lately I’ve been using 2 Table spoons of Shortening. I also raise the yeast with sugar as stated but I use Honey for the rest of the sugar. I think the honey and extra shortening improves it. I always use Canadian AP FLOUR for the white bread. Sometimes I substitute 3...
  7. Stepnout

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I'll take a picture of the recipe card and post it.
  8. Stepnout

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    After my first time making apple jelly a couple of weeks ago I knew 4 bottles were nit going to cut it. Saturday I boiled down 12 pounds of apples with cinnamon and gathered 18 cups of ruby red juice. Sunday I bottled 11 and 1/2 500 ml mason jars. The jelly looked lonely so Monday I baked...
  9. Stepnout

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Somehow I forgot to quote These in my above post.
  10. Stepnout

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Well sorry to hear your duck was so gamey tasting. I’m 63 and been hunting since I was 14. I used to snare rabbits ( Varying Hares) even before that. Wild game can be very strong tasting and sometimes very nasty. As mentioned brining is always the thing I do for all small game. Ducks, geese...
  11. Stepnout

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I know this is not really about baking but free range yolks are unbelievable. Everything we cook with these eggs/yolks turns yellow. Pancake batter is so yellow it doesn’t look real. Boiled eggs this mornin.
  12. Stepnout

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Thanks to everyone responding and the likes about the Apple Jelly and Bread. Much appreciated, very kind. Wayne
  13. Stepnout

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Bread dough?
  14. Stepnout

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I made a batch of white bread the next morning and wanted to use it in my taste test of the apple jelly but couldn’t wait. I always butter the top of my bread when it comes out of the oven.
  15. Stepnout

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Here is a link to the video taste test of my cinnamon apple jelly Mmm GOOD!
  16. Stepnout

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    A few days ago the wife made some apple crisp to take away with her sister for a stay at their brothers place. Little did she know when I bought the 10 pounds of Macintosh apples I was going to make apple jelly. As soon as she drove out the driveway I started. I took all her apple peels and...
  17. Stepnout

    Any Home Bakers Here? This is the pie crust I used. I always use the lard recipe. Tenderflake make lard as well. My mother and wife have always made pie crusts using the tenderflake never fail pie crust recipe on the back of the lard container I’ll check for a link...
  18. Stepnout

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    My next adventure is to have my wife teach me to make pie crust. She is very good at it, since leaving work last December I’ve gladly become the baker. I really enjoy the bread, tea biscuit, cakes and cinnamon rolls I’ve been baking. It has paid off having such a great teacher. lol more than...
  19. Stepnout

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    My wife and her sister went to visit their brother for a few days. I baked a blueberry pie! Mmm good. I have to confess I used boughten frozen crust.
  20. Stepnout

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    @bruceha2000 I have a great friend in Enfield, NH. Over the years we made 5 trips out to Iowa to go hunting. I might have drove by your place lol. We used to take route 4 and then south on I/87 and then out west on I80/90. Great memories. Thank you for taking the time to converse
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