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  1. daxigait

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    It is easy, it just takes time. Pull it off right away and add the nuts quickly. Thanks for typing it up. I just have a phone, and am too busy.
  2. daxigait

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    @NorthFLChickHere is the toffee recipe. I use a heaping cup of nuts chopped coarsely instead of three fourths of a cup. I make this and give it to people I would like to give something small to with their card.
  3. daxigait

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    @NorthFLChickif I can remember after Kenpo, my chores are done, and the stove is going. Remind me if I forget.
  4. daxigait

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I make a softer pecan brittle with a dark chocolate topping for Christmas. Yum
  5. daxigait

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    may all of you lucky enough to have family and children for all the trials never forget how blessed you are not to be alone for laughter and tears for you are truly blessed.
  6. daxigait

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I have seen them not shaped with liquorish legs as blobs, but I hate the black.
  7. daxigait

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    we take the Oriental noodles cover them with melted butterscotch chips and add chocolate chips for eyes food coloring if desired and have spiders. On the calling anyone from Missouri thread someone made deviled egg ghoul eyes.
  8. daxigait

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I am if it is dark chocolate. You can keep the regular stuff.
  9. daxigait

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I agree. I have another one but it uses apricot necture and is more complicated. Marshmallow ones are too icky sweet for me.
  10. daxigait

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    here is the casserole recipe. It is always a hit especially at Thanksgiving. Make I one day ahead as it is better when it sits. 4 large sweet potatoes or yams (baked and skinned) add 1/4c sugar, 1/4c butter softened, 2 beaten eggs, 1T vanilla, 1/2c milk and beat with a mixer until smooth. Put...
  11. daxigait

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Count me in on the muffin recipe and I will try to remember to get the casserole recipe when I get home. You were so right on the fries being wonderful and you can eat them without needing on them:)
  12. daxigait

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Oh, you can also bake them like a potato and if you don't want to use brown sugar try them with garlic powder. I know it sounds bad, but a friend who is diabetic had me try it and it was good which surprised me.
  13. daxigait

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    well they make a great pie like pumpkin, and I have a great sweat potato casserole recipe. They are also really great as prench fries and can be frozen as fries to cook later.
  14. daxigait

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    yum thank you
  15. daxigait

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Sorry for the typos
  16. daxigait

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I may try that. I wish my tree ripenedcin stages because I loooooove fresh pears off the tree, but you truly bcan only eat do many. I struggle though with 65 hour work weeks, a coop to finish horses cows, goats, pigs, chickens,and in theory house cleaning wood stacking and other winter prep to...
  17. daxigait

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Thanks for the sourdough starter information, does anyone have a suggestion for getting a mother of vinager or starting one? On another note, my pears are turning any favorite uses/storage?
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